The Date

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An- please put requests in :3 I'm trying to make these so plain. Throw me anything you got.

Robin picked you up exactly on time. You were bummed to see him in his uniform, but you understand the whole secret identity thing.
He smiled as he pulled up on his cycle. "You aren't scared are you?" You rolled your eyes hopping on. "I don't scare easy." You said wrapping your arms around him.
The faire looked perfect a maze of twinkling multicolored lights and the smell of barbecue. You both parked and jumped off looking around. You laughed as all eyes were on Robin. "I feel like a celebrity." You say waving at the ogling faire goers. Robin laughed grabbing your hand. "Come on I want to go on the tiltawhirl. Let's see if we can keep you whelmed and not puking." You rolled your eyes, 'how romantic.'
You both got into the ride side by side as it spun. You laughed as you saw the sickly faces as the others riding. You turned to Robin seeing him looking around doing the same. Your eyes met and he slowly leaned in. Your eyes automatically scrunched up in nervousness. Now you felt like puking. Was this really happening? Should you stop him? Isn't this to soon?
"There you go. You had a leaf in your hair." He said picking something out of your hair carefully. You opened your eyes embarrassed. "Oh thanks.. The rides ending what's next?" You said standing up the second it stopped and looking at him expectingly. He smiled and stuck his hands in his pockets exiting the ride leaving you to follow behind. "I could be cliche and try to win you a stuffed.. Narwhal?!" He said pointing at a narwhal hanging in a ring toss game. Your eyes widened and you pulled him over. "Yes do it I need that fluffy narwhal." He rolled his eyes slapping down some money to play. The guy wearily allowed him to even though Robin being Robin was probably able to make every shot as if it were one of his gadgets. In no time at all Robin handed over the narwhal which you named (whatever you want).
The night was almost over all that was left was the Ferris wheel. This date was turning so cliche there has to be a kiss at the end just like the movies. You both sat on the ride making small talk.
You liked Robin, not a lot, at least not yet. However you wanted to continue and see if maybe it would become something. These thoughts made you cocky.
"So where's our second date going to be?" Robin looked at you and chuckled. He then slowly and cautiously took your hand. "You choose next time.."
The ride ended, no kiss... Sadly. He walked you home and walked you to your door. You smiled looking everywhere but at him. Then it happened.. He leaned in and you did too and before your lips could meet the patio light turned on and the door started to open. You turned away to the door for a second and Robin disappeared.
(An- tomorrow I'll post the others I promise I just wanted to post something before bed)

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