The Date (cont.)

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You stood at the park tempted to jump in all the puddles while you waited. Wally was late and you were growing a bit tired of waiting. Finally he showed up with a string of apologies. "I'm super sorry I got held up.."
"It's fine I was only waiting for like two hours." You said jokingly taking the temptation jumping in the puddle splashing him. He smiled and playfully frowned. "Come on we've got a hot dog eating contest to watch." He said pushing you forward. You saw no car or mode of transportation thankfully you were wearing comfortable shoes because it looks like you're walking. Thankfully the faire was a short distance. When you got there you had jokingly complained about the walking. Wally looked at you rolled his eyes and crouched down so you could get on his back. "Why thank you sir." You happily climbed on smiling at your new vantage point. (If you are really tall sorry, I'm 5'1 so I threw it in)
True to his word Wally dragged you to a eating contest, how romantic.. You watched while trying to hold your vomit. Wally happily cheered and watched you smirking. You elbowed him and drug him away to a coaster. "You are so squeamish." He said laughing. You smirked rolling your eyes. "Big words won't hide your low IQ." Wally smiled and got into the coaster with you. "Well obviously you liked it or you wouldn't be here." He said nudging you playfully. You looked at him and found out you really didn't know what to say. The coaster started and you both laughed as it went. When it came to a stop you both went to get food. Wally ordered a lot of food and asked you if you wanted anything you quietly declined. Wally looked like he wanted to say something but you interrupted him before he could, "So want to do something else.."
The date flew by perfectly and you were both sad when it had to end. As you were walking you felt Wallys figures interlock with your own. Soon he pulled you to a stop and lightly kissed your cheek. "Thanks for the awesome date." He said smiling and "running" off (obviously not super speed).
You looked around seeing you were at your door. You smiled to yourself as you went in.
You met superboy at a warehouse in your sweatpants and sneakers. You were ready to show him up. He laughed at what you were wearing then hung a punching bag. "Alright Gucci try to punch me." Oh no he didn't.. You balled up your fists and tried to punch him he easily dodged looked at you. He then pushed you toward the punching bag and stood behind you watching your stance as you punched it. 'Or just using that as a excuse to look at your ass'. 'Both are toss up options, oh my god why is this not moving?'
Superboy sighed and made you stop and put his hands on your stomach and side. "Punch from your gut and spread your legs apart more." He said to you and surprisingly with his direction you managed to move the bag. "Thanks.." You said before blushing as you noticed his hands still there. He blushed to removing them. "Keep practicing that for a while.." He said letting go and stepping back to watch again. You nodded determined and kept practicing. After what felt like hours he said you could stop. He smiled a little handing you a water bottle and towel. "Here you look like a mess." You rolled your eyes but took it. "With all this politeness it's a wonder how you don't have a girlfriend." You said sitting on the ground drinking. He glared a bit, "my personal life is no concern." He said drinking his own water. You nodded surprising yourself by not sarcastically commenting.
"I get it my life's a mess too. So what's next?" You said standing up smiling.
He looked at you and smiled. A full smile, the first time you've saw him do that. "Let's take a break for now. Well go for a run to the ice cream shop." You laughed and nodded as you started running. He caught onto your heels running beside you, "you did pretty well for a newbie." He said trying to sound dull, but you knew it was as close as a compliment as you could get. You reached the ice cream parlor and ordered your ice cream sitting down. "Thanks for the ice cream." You said smiling and eating a little. He nodded and started eating his. You both sat in comfortable silence for a while. Superboy looked up finishing seeing you already finished. He laughed and threw his away. "You sure can eat.." He said then realized how rude it sounded. You just laughed, "it's to good to waste." You both smiled and he suddenly frowned a bit looking like he was having a migraine. "I have to go.." He said looking at you. You nodded not completely understanding. "Sure. See you later Superboy." You said smiling as he ran off.

Aqualad (does anyone honestly like him? Just wondering lol because I don't..)
You and Kaldur both walked around staring at the fish. "Oh wow look at how beautiful this one is." You said running to the glass seeing a blue fish. Kaldur smiled and stood next to you. "I'm sure he thinks you're lovely too." You giggled and looked at him. You both looked around taking pictures of all the cool fish. You decided you wanted a selfie with a jellyfish and made him join. He sighed and got in the picture. You laughed as you took it. "You so cute!" You said smiling. He laughed and slowly took your hand making you both blush.
As you walked around you spotted a little school of fish watching you and Kaldur. "Hey look we have fans." You said smiling watching them eye Kaldur. He didn't seem that surprised, "wow that's weird." He said looking at them too.
When the aquarium closed you both smiled walking you home. "Thanks for going with me. I had a lot of fun we should definitely do it again." Kaldur said looking at your interlocking hands.
"I would love that. Thanks for taking me." You said lightly squeezing his hand. When you got to your door you frowned not wanting it to end. Kaldur smiled and kissed your hand. "We will definitely do this again I promise." And with that he walked away. You smiled a little looking at your hand as you walked inside.

Next one will be when you are in the hospital. :)

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