When they meet your parents

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Robin and you have been dating for a while with little to no problems. Ok ok maybe not little to know, but maybe it was time to have him meet your parents. Since your high school graduation was coming up you decided to invite Robin to have lunch with you and your parents. Robin was hesitant at first because he didn't have a lot of insight on how to impress parents but he decided to come. You are sure that the fact Robin already hacked into their social media to gain talking points had nothing to do with the new found confidence.
As you got ready you settled on some yoga pants and a T-shirt. After all you would be donning a heavy cap and gown later. You had told Robin to keep it casual but he showed up in a tux making you wish you had put in more effort.
Your parents were fond of a little pastry bistro nearby and the four of you settled in to order.
Your parents were very caring people and always directed the conversation to Robin.
Soon later Robin would tell you that he liked your parents and they had already invited him over tomorrow to fix their internet issues.
"Wasn't aware I was dating Fix it Felix." You whisper to him before going back stage with your class.


When you asked Wally to see a movie with your parents you didn't expect him to be so open to it. Wally was actually excited and didn't care that you and your mom were just dragging them along to see Frozen 2. (underrated or overrated? I can't decide)
Wally had rushed out to buy flowers which You had to remind him that this is a movie theater and where would your mom put the flowers.
So instead Wally insisted on paying for the concessions which your family appreciates. Your mom kept finding reasons to touch Wally's hair making sly remarks about how she always wanted red headed grandchildren. Your father wasn't a talkative man and mostly took second place in most situations due to your mom being loud and out there.
But when your father hears this he looked at Wally sternly and just grumbled out, "not soon."
You almost died of embarrassment and instead tried to lighten the mood. "There's a sale on candy we should get some." You then scooped up candy in your arms putting it on the counter. Your mom's mouth fell open, "honey you'll get fat with all that candy. Only buy one." You sighed trying to stay positive to not put Wally in more of an awkward situation. With a Sourpatch Kids in one hand and Wally's hand in the other you walked into the theater grateful that your mom could say nothing more.
Wally cried a lot during the movie and caused a few genuine laughs from your parents as he tried to play it off.
It seemed your parents and Wally are gonna get along ok.

Super boy (I think that's what I call him in the other chapters)

Super boy was not excited at all. In fact every time you would set up a time and place he would conveniently be on a scouting mission.
This did not go well at all with you. After three attempts he finally agreed to meet for dinner. Your parents were skeptical of him and would often make remarks about how unreliable he was and how you could do better. You started to lose hope before the dinner but you tried to stay positive. After all you loved him and you knew he loved you, he would just let fear and worry role him up.
You sighed in relief when you and your parents walked into the restaurant and he was sitting in the waiting area for you.
You smiled walking over to him and taking his hand leading him back to your parents introducing him.
Super boy even shook their hands and apologized for having to cancel so many times. Your parents were polite but you could tell they were still skeptical.
When you were seated and your orders were placed the real conversation started. They would fire question after question at him but Super boy didn't flinch he would answer every one.
(I listen to music when I write and during this part I'm listening to rap.... Super B is an OG)
As he answered the questions he would take breaks to sip his water never breaking eye contact with the person talking. You were a little scared and a little amazed.
Eventually your parents were satisfied and stopped.
You weren't sure if they liked each other yet but it looked as if they at least respected each other.


You knew Aqualad liked you a lot and you liked him. But this was truly put to the test when your mom found him on Facebook and messaged him. Wtf mom. Your mom introduced herself and asked him to tell her more about him. You were so embarrassed and apologized to him but he laughed it off.
After a few back and forth texts Aqualad INVITED her to the beach with y'all. You were unsure that was a good idea but you were happy they would meet and you would grow stronger as a couple.
When you got to the beach you saw your mom already there waving you over to a spot she had set up.
Your mom then hugged Aqualad tightly and made him aware of the fact she too thinks she has a way with animals.
When you were about to point out he more specialized with sea creatures she pulled out her phone to show him pictures of her dog.
Aqualad and your mom both chatted about her dog and whether he thought the dog was happy, just from a photo.
You took their moment of pause to grab Aqualad and ask him to build a sand castle with you. After a while your mom came over with a bucket of shells she had collected and sat to help decorate the "stone paving leading to the castle."
You smiled knowing this was the perfect day.

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