Bryan...? (Angst)

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This was requested by @Keith-OoO

This was requested by @Keith-OoO

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With Vendi:
Click click click

Vendi was on the portal room keyboard. He was trying to get Bryan back. Vendi was mad at Bryan but he missed him dearly. Vendi needed bryan back.

Click click click

The animatronics have come and gone to tell vendi that Bryan is gone. Vendi didn't want to accept that. He didn't want to accept the person he has loved most in the world would leave him like nothing! Vendi kept giving himself false hope and praying that Bryan was be back in his arms again....

With Bryan:
Bryan was watching his little toy prance and talk to his friends. Bryan yawned or it felt like he did . "Boring" he thought to himself. Bryan left his watching station and sat on the roof of the pizzeria.

Life has been so empty since he has left but at least he had his perfect life! I mean it amazing how powerful he was but he still felt bad for this alternative Bryan. He had to rewrite this whole universe and now he has to babysit?!

"God.... I wonder what Vendi is doing..... I miss him..." Bryan strummed his finger on the roof too and sighed.

Bryan decided right then and there he would see Vendi! I mean it's only right! He is Bryan's boyfriend. Bryan clapped his hands and paused this universe just like a tv show saving it for later. Bryan made a portal with his hands and dropped through.

With Vendi:

Vendi kept playing around with the portal. He felt like he was about to pass out due to the lack of sleep. It's been days since he last slept. He couldn't not yet. Not till he has Bryan next to him, holding him close.

The portal changed colors to a deep rich purple with pink and yellow mixed into it. It was a beautiful sight that made Vendi sick and jump back. Seeing it change like this just made him concerned and shook him to his core.

Vendi turned off his radio next to him and stumbled with the gun he brought just in case of something coming out that wasn't Bryan.

There he saw a monster nothing he's ever seen before but.... It felt odd it. It was wearing Bryan's suit. Vendi wanted to puke did this monster kill Bryan?! Vendi thought and held his gun infront of him hands shaking.

The Portal creature looked at Vendi and jumped back. "Vendi?!" It's spoke. Bryan voice? Vendi looked at this creature and slowly dropped the gun.

"B-bryan.....? My dearest.... Wha-your face I...." Vendi looked shocked and stumbled back. Was this really Bryan? He heard that his portal powers change him but like this?!

"Oh god... My love... What happened to your body....." Vendi looked at Bryan shocked. The portal head and body his eyes were replaced with white orbs and the ring vendi gave bryan was still there but it looked cracked by the red stone on it.

Bryan walked closer to Vendi and hugged him gripping onto his coat like there was no tomorrow. Bryan felt like he was going to sob.

"Vendi, I missed you..." Bryan laid his head or what looked like his head on Vendi's shoulder. Vendi looked at the portal fire Bryan now had. It didn't burn. It felt warm like a blanket was just put on his shoulder.

Vendi shuttered at the warmth and pushed Bryan off. Bryan was confused.

"Vendi...? What's wro-" Bryan was cut off

"Why did you leave...." Vendi looked desperately at Bryan. Bryan's portal head flames sharper. He looked at Vendi and Vendi looked back

"..." Bryan stayed quiet looking at vendi he slowly pulled Vendi into a hug.

"Bryan.... Tell me why did you leave..." Vendi didn't hug back his arms dangling from his side while he looked at Bryan.

"I don't think you'd like the reason if I told you..." Bryan sighed.

"Bryan please.... I need to know why you left me. You left everything behind. I just need to know... why did you leave...."

Vendi looks at Bryan hoping for an answer. Bryan pulled away from Vendi but he held his hands rubbing them with his thumb.

"It's because I feel like it would be better if I can have my own dreams, and live somewhere where I can be happy forever." Vendi looked at Bryan shocked at what he said.

"Are you not happy here....? Are you not satisfied with the life you've built here?!" Vendi started to raise his voice.

"Are you not happy with the kid you have here?! Are you not happy with me?!!" Vendi pulled away from Bryan looked at him clearly upset.

"Vendi it's not like that-"

"Well it sure feels like it!" Vendi stomped his foot. "Bryan I've sacrificed so much for you and you just get up and leave when things get too difficult?!! I've sent hours and days trying to make you happy and you just don't seem to care!"

"Vendi I do love yo-"

"Well you don't act like it!" Vendi started to shout at Bryan. "You left just for some.... Some fantasy dream! Bryan I love you so damn much and you left me broken for the weeks you have been gone!" Vendi teared up

Bryan took a step back this isn't what he was expecting from when he returned. He expected Vendi to be happy to see him but I guess this wasn't some fairy tale.

"..." Bryan felt embarrassed. "I'm sorry..."

Vendi was taken aback by this. An apology? This wasn't what he was expecting.

"Bryan. An apology isn't going to cut it.... You need to prove you really love me." Vendi looked sadly at Bryan.

Bryan took a step forwards and hugged Vendi tightly and then spoke, "Then I'll try to make it up to you, My dear."

The End

(981 words)

Bryan X Vendi Oneshots (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now