Notes and roses

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This was requested by scrapbaby8

Do u get the title it's a joke cuz guns and roses so I put notes and roses hahaha sndnndjdjffjfnd get it super silly

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Do u get the title it's a joke cuz guns and roses so I put notes and roses hahaha sndnndjdjffjfnd get it super silly

I wasn't really sure what to do for the ending :(

Recently Bryan was pushed off the second story part of the mall balcony by one of the animatronics while playing tag. He broke his leg in the process so it's been hard for him to get out of bed and do his regular stuff.

Vendi can't really help due to him having to wake up much earlier than Bryan so usually the maids help him. Recently Vendi had started leaving notes for Bryan to motivate him to get out of bed.

Usually, Vendi was inside the kitchen writing a note for Bryan. He enjoyed writing them and he puts them everywhere in the fridge, Bryan's lunch, the bathroom, Bryan's work clothes pockets, pretty much anything Bryan owns.

Vendi has fun writing these he usually put stuff like I love you! Or I miss you. Bryan finds these notes endearing and it makes him feel more loved.

Bryan decides to text Vendi about this long note he left for him. It reads:

Dear Bryan,

I love you! I'll be working all day due to lots of paperwork, finances, and meeting today. So don't stay up too late my dear. However I left you a little something with the note as you can see. Make sure to relax and have a wonderful day.

Love, Vendi

It had a bouquet of flowers with them. Red roses Bryan's favorite. He blushed as he texted Vendi about the note.

He thanked him for being a wonderful boyfriend and how grateful he was for Vendi. The message read as followed

Hey love,

Thanks for the little surprise this morning! I really appreciate you taking the time to leave me these things while you're busy. It's nice to know that you're thinking about me even when you're working.

I love you too and can't wait to see you when you get home.

Love, Bryan

Bryan wanted to get the roses into water as so they didn't dry out so he walked out of the bedroom.

He walked down the stares slowly he held onto the tail due to his leg being broken as mentioned earlier he had difficulty getting around.

Once Bryan got down he creeped to the kitchen. He grabbed an empty vase on his way there and put water in it. He then put the roses in and admired them.

"Oh Vendi you really do know how to keep me happy..." Bryan smiled and smelled the roses thinking about Vendi.

The End

(453 words)

Bryan X Vendi Oneshots (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now