Perfectionism (Angst)

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Hi I've been wanting more requests and stuff so until I get some have this ^^

I'm also kinda sleepy so sorry if some of what the characters say isn't something they would really say </3

This takes place if Bryan didn't jump into the portal and instead started to do his own experiments with  the portal to bring his father back instead! 🫶

"No no no! It's not perfect!" Bryan has been angry passing around while he plays with the portal. Angry has been all he has felt.

"It's not right?! Why isn't it right?!" He was getting more and more frustrated the more time passed.

His suit was wrinkled. His hair was disheveled and his nose crinkled. Bryan didn't notice when Vendi creeping into the room. He hid behind a pillar and glanced at his beloved.

He knew the more Bryan spent here the more he would drive himself mad. He felt sick to his stomach seeing his beloved this way.

"Bryan...? My dear what's wrong.,.?" Vendi crept towards the mad man in front of him. Bryan's lips made a small smile as he looked over to see Vendi.

Bryan knew Vendi wasn't going to help him anymore. Through he still loved Vendi he felt like Vendi was slowly becoming useless towards him.

"Oh! Hello Vendi." Bryan looked at vendi then glanced away towards the portal. He spoke flat voice, "What do you need?"

Vendi face saddened at Bryan's monotone voice, "I've just been a little worried about you... you've been at the portal room a lot recently. I think you need a break my dearest."

Bryan snarled and he snapped back, "I'm fine! Plus I'm doing something that doesn't concern you anymore." He rolled his eyes and started to type in the portal room keyboard.

Bryan's fingers clacked against the keyboard. Vendi looked at him with weakened eyes. "Bryan... this isn't really like you... my dear I believe it's time for a small break at least. I know how the portal can affect a person if stared at for too long...."

Bryan tapped his foot impatiently. His patience slowly failing him, "Vendi if you aren't here to help please go. I have lots of work to do and lots of testing. If you want to help go fetch me my father from Dylan's place." Bryan waved his hand to dismiss Vendi

"Bryan, This is... you're concerning me greatly... why are you acting so cold towards me...?! Usually you're all sweet but now... now it's like I don't even know you...." Vendi slowly clutched his fist.

Bryan snapped, "Well maybe if you could be more useful towards me maybe then I'll be nicer towards you but until then I'll behave however I want towards you! Not until everything is perfect will I even think of being better than what I am now..." He turned to face Vendi. His lips twisting into a forced smile.

Vendi took a step back, cautiously looked at Bryan, "What in the world are you on about...? Is this some kind of messed up joke, because I'll let you know that this isn't funny! What I'm getting is that you don't love me till it benefits you?!" Vendi temper grew.

Vendi's eyes swelled up and his face weakened into tears "Bryan do you know what you are to me... you are something to believe in again. You are something of hope to me and it hurts and pains me when you say stuff like this. It's just.... It just makes me feel like you don't want to try in his relationship anymore!"

"Vendi, I do still care..." Bryan prowled towards Vendi. His arms stretched in front of him, "Do you know about how dangerous I could be Vendi?" Bryan walked closer.,"The powers that has been bestowed upon me. It's quite dangerous!"

A purple glow came from his hands dangerously. Vendis eyes widened fear stricken every bone in his body. "Bryan what are you doing...?" He stepped backwards away from this man in front of him.

"Vendi, you know id stop at nothing to get what I want don't you? And if you ever become a burden or a bump in the road I might have to.... Get rid of you" Bryan cackled at the look Vendi had. Slowly backing him into a wall. The aura coming from his hands growing ever more stronger.

"Just know if you ever tried to stop me, well.... you know the consequences now don't you...? I'm trying my best here to make everything perfect so I can be happy! And if you can't be perfect in my life. I swear I will make you perfect!" Bryans eyes reflected the purple from his hand making him seem wicked.

Vendi wanted to throw up. Who was this man? What happened to Bryan?! This isn't like him at all... this man... this man in front of him was a monster and not the one he loved.

"You're not Bryan.... He wouldn't act like this... Bryan is sweet and caring not some.... Not some spoiled child who would kill to get what he wants.... I know Bryan and you... you aren't him..." Vendi stared at the monster in front of him. This disgraceful man was something monstrous and vile.

Bryan cackled loudly causing Vendi to jump. "I'm quite the ambitious man like you said?! without ambition we're nothing more than empty shells. Am I right? And this is my goal my dream my ambition!" Bryan stared at Vendi who was engrossed at what his lover has become.

The End

(927 Words)

Bryan X Vendi Oneshots (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now