An Orphic Part 2 (Angst)

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Due to popular demand here is part 2

Also my hands are tired so I had to speed run this before my hands gave out 😔💔

Bryan woke up to the same scientists doing test on him. Not even with rest will stop them. His body felt sore and tired. It felt like he was in fire. Bryan couldn't fight back. He wouldn't fight back.

"Where could he be?!" Vendi paced around his office nervously. Vendi has taken a few hobbies since Bryan's disappearance.

The first was a painting then there was sewing and now there is reading books in a fast pace.

Vendi pacing got faster and his started to grind his teeth together nervously.

"Oh Bryan..." Vendi cried out softly to himself. He walked over to his couch and coffee table. He poured himself a glass of wine.

Vendi grabbed his phone and checked no new messages. Vendi felt sick. Maybe it was from the amount of wine he has been drinking all day or maybe it's from how much he misses Bryan.

"Why would he ghost everybody?! Why would he ghost me...?" Vendi ruminated in his mind as he sipped on his wine.

After a while, his head started to hurt. Maybe this was a topic to think about outside of work.

"My body it hurts... my.... my mind feels foggy why do I.... What's the reason I feel like this....?" Bryan looked around at the scientist doing tests.

The more they took and added to his body the more sore they made him. Nebulochaotic was the word to describe this feeling (it means a state of being hazy and confused).

Bryan slowly looked around his eyesight kept on getting worse and more wobbly every time they'd inject some purple fluid inside of him. His face felt warm. Warmer than usual.

He slowly reached up to touch his face it felt like it was glowing. Or maybe it was on fire? Maybe he was just hallucinating. He was too hazy to think about it.

Clack clack clack

Bryan heard a familiar sound. The sound of strong feet hitting the ground. A confident but powerful sound.

Clack clack clack

The doors to the portal room swung open. The scientists stopped and looked at the person who wakes in and then back at Bryan.

Bryans vision was too blurry to know who or what it was. He felt discombobulated, but somehow he knew he was safe at least and was able to slowly drift off to sleep a state of calmness coming over him.

Vendi screamed at the scientist "WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING TO BRYAN?!" Vendi pushed one of the scientists out of the way of Bryan.

He looked at Bryan's face he saw a big purple light shining from half of his face it slighty covered his arm.

Vendi turned to the scientists angry, "I'm letting you guys go. you have violated this contract. I specifically instructed not to harm anyone during this process. I'll let your company know and you will be dealt with."  Vendi felt his hands clench in anger

"Now go before I deal with you people myself." The scientists quickly ran out. Vendi looked at Bryan stroking his face gently.

"Oh my dear.... What have they done to you...." Vendi looked at Bryan desperately.

A few hours later, Bryan woke to being in a house bedroom. His visions wasn't much better but he could tell that there was someone near him.

"Vendi...?" Bryan croaked. He slowly ran his fingers through Vendi's hair. He looked tired. So Bryan cuddled up close and kissed him before falling asleep himself.

The End

(610 words)

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