Chapter 10 - I'll make you pay

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Idk how to start this so bear with me

Tw: slight panic attack

not proofread as usual

Scaramouche pov:

When I arrived at school on Monday, and didn't see any sign of Kazuha, a strange feeling arose in my chest. It was almost as if it was a feeling of disappointment, but not just that. It was also an eerie feeling, like something was wrong.

Even Miko, who marked the role at the start of class, was surprised when she found out Kazuha was absent. That means the school isn't aware of his absence... why do I feel like something terrible has happened?

All throughout the lesson, I found myself staring at the door, waiting for him to arrive late. But as I sat there for the whole 80 minutes, there was nothing.

After the lesson, Miko called on me to stay back.

"Scaramouche, come here for a second." She called as I stood from my chair. I wasn't in the mood to listen to her but at the same time I didn't have the energy to ignore her, so I walked over to the front desk.

"I noticed you've been extra quiet today. You didn't even make a smart remark when Charlie got an answer wrong. You just kept staring at the door, is something troubling you?" Her voice was laced with concern, but there was a hint of curiosity.

"Why on earth would you think something would be troubling me? Really? Do you know who I am?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Yes, I do know who you are. Which is why I also know that it's not like you to space out and stare at the door for over an hour." She crossed her arms, sending me a knowing glare.

"Urgh, whatever. I'm just tired okay? That's all. Can I go now?" She sighed before nodding her head.

"One last thing, if you're worried about Kazuha, you shouldn't be. He's probably just taking a rest day." She slipped in with a smirk right as I was closing the door.

What!? Why the hell would she think I would be worried about him? I felt my face flush, "tch, stupid fox..." I muttered under my breath and walked to my next class.

Just like the previous class, I was stuck in my thoughts, staring at the door. The lesson passed in what felt like a matter of minutes, and as soon as the bell rung I exited the classroom and headed in the direction of the canteen.

As I was walking down an empty hallway, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Stupid Childe, can't he just leave me alone? I ignored the tap and continued walking.

It wasn't until a second tap reached my shoulder, that I stopped walking. Has he lost the ability to speak now? Wait what if it's not Childe... could it be Kazuha?

At this thought, I spun around with the hope that it was. Safe to say I was incredibly disappointed when I found out it wasn't him, but that friend of his. Heizou, was it?

"Can I help you?" I asked, not even bothering to hide the annoyance in my voice.

He takes a deep breath before speaking, "when was the last time you saw Kazuha?" He held my gaze, glaring at me like I had just taken the most precious thing from him.

Deciding to be decent, I answered. "Yesterday, why?"

His eyes narrowed at these words, "what did you do to him." That wasn't a question, that was a clear accusation.

"What?" I was generally confused, what the hell would I have done to him?

Heizou let out a groan, "what time did you last see Kazuha?"

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