Chapter 11 - Safe at last

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TW: mentions of drugs, slight mentions of injuries

Just saying but the things mentioned about the drugs are made up! Aside from the name and the main use of it, the effects are made up cause I'm too lazy to do research

Oh boy... this is a long one


Kazuha pov:

I'm not sure what time it was when I woke up again, but once I came to my senses, I felt my head rising and falling.

My eyes opened in slight discomfort, but that feeling soon washed away when I realised the reason why my head was moving. I lay with the side of my face rest against Scaramouche's chest, his arm wrapped around my back and his breathing soft.

His eyes were kept close, and he looked like he was in a deep sleep. Not wanting to wake him, settled for shutting my eyes again and listening to his calming heartbeat. I don't know how long I was lying there for, but by the time Scaramouche started to stir, the sun was seeping into the room through under the curtain.

Scaramouche was still half-asleep when I reopened my eyes, so I decided to greet him.

"Morning..." I whispered, my voice was slightly deeper than usual as I hadn't spoken since I had awoken, and that seemed to startle Scaramouche.

His eyes shot open, and they frantically darted around the room, trying to remember where he was, before they landed on me. I saw his expression morph from panic to shock then back to panic, and he jumped from the bed, unfortunately bumping a wound on my stomach.

At the sudden contact, I let out a soft groan of pain and winced. Once again his eyes widened, and this time he rushed back over to me.

"Shit. Are you alright? I didn't hurt you too much did I?" His voice was filled with concern and I was quite stunned.

Despite everything he had done to me previously, he had still treated my wounds and was now asking if I was okay... this isn't good for my heart.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry it was only an accident." A reassuring smile was sent his way and he started to relax.

A few beats of silence passed before I spoke up again, "oh right, can I call my friends now? They're probably worried sick."

All he did was nod and then left the room, soon returning with his phone in hand. Scaramouche walked over to the side of the bed I was on and passed me his unlocked phone.

I made my way to the dial screen and took a moment before punching in Heizou's number. I set the phone down on the sheet and turned on the speaker, Scaramouche sitting down across from me.




"Hello?" Heizou's voice rung throughout the room, and I felt my breath hitch. It hadn't even been that long since I had last heard his voice, but I was overjoyed by the sound of it.

"... Hey Heizou." Somehow my hand had made it up to my mouth and I had begun chewing on my nails, slightly nervous for my best friend's reaction to my sudden reappearance.

I heard a slight sniff from the other side of the call, and my mind instantly thought of the worse. "Heizou!? Are you okay?"

"...I should be asking you that! Where have you been Kazuha, I was so worried!" I could hear him holding back the waterworks as he spoke and it tempted my own tears to break free, but they were held at bay for now by the warmth of Scaramouche's hand on mine.

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