Chapter 15 - Finally... together at last

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Hello! just a little message
I actually love reading all of your comments so much, they make my day. And even if I don't reply to them, just know that I have read them :D please continue to comment as you read because it makes me feel so much better about my writing 🥹

on another note:

its finally here guys, the moment we've all been waiting for... i hope you enjoy :D

TW: slight panic attack (not really but kinda), self-doubt and self-hatred, self blaming (is that a thing?), miko being smitten with a certain someones mum

Kazuha pov:

Urgh... my head... What on earth happened?

I groggily sat up from what I assumed was my bed and stretched my arms high above my head. The sun was seeping in through the crack under the blind, indicating that it was morning.

I looked around the room to make sure it was mine, but that wasn't such a good idea. My forehead started throbbing and I clenched onto it and hissed in pain.

"What kind of headache is this..? Why does it hurt so much?" As carefully as I could, I got out of bed and walked into the hallway.

It was strangely quiet, but not a creepy quiet, more like a 'the world hasn't woken up yet' quiet. I headed into the lounge room and saw Heizou sitting down staring out the window.

"Heizou? You okay?" I called out.

No answer.

"Hello? Heizou you there?" Nothing, "Earth to Heizou!" Finally, a reaction.

He spun around to see who was calling him and shot up from his spot on the couch, a smile on his face. "Kazuha! You're awake! Here, have some of these. It should help with your headache."

He rushed over to the kitchen counter and picked up a small bottle of medicine, ushering me to come over. As I was walking over, Heizou filled up a glass of water and placed the cup and pills on the island.

I took them and gulped them down in one go, then turned back to Heizou. "So Heizou, what were you looking at just now?"

'Hm? Oh I was just zoning out! Nothing to worry about." He shot me a grin, hm... odd.

"Right... well, do you mind telling me what happened yesterday? I can't exactly remember what happened after we met up with Venti and Xiao. I just remember that girl and then it's blank after that..."

"Well for starters, one second you were behind me and the next you had vanished. I'm not sure where you got the drinks from, but I can only bet it was some more random people that wanted to get with you for a night. Tch, perverts." After a few curses under his breath, Heizou looked back up and started explaining what he knew had happened. He started from when we got there, to when we were playing a few games with others. Heizou explained how after I had left his sight, he began looking around but once he thought he saw me safe and sound, he decided I was ok on my own.

"Kazuha I really am sorry, when I saw you walking around, you seemed perfectly fine, so I thought it was okay to just let you roam around and have fun. But then that brat came up to me and handed me a note along with an unconscious you. I read the note and instantly got Xiao to take us home. Then when we got home you woke up for a split second before passing out." He took a breath before continuing. "At some point you started crying but I really didn't want to wake you up to ask if you were ok, so I just let you sleep."

I took a second to register the information, before my eyes went wide and I dropped to the floor, crouching down and holding my head. "Oh no... oh no, no, no, no. Heizou this shouldn't have happened. Urgh I fucked up. I really did." I felt my eyes swell up with tears and I quickly closed them to stop them from falling.

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