Chapter 5. Dovi

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Citlali and Kai stared at me. I took a deep breath and read the nervous handwriting of my dear Ameyal.

Dear Kai, Dear Dovi, Dear Citlali,

Thank you for being here. I apologize for the secrecy. There is not much I can say for myself. I wanted you to meet. It is as simple as that. I know it's selfish. But I'm scared. And I don't know what to do now that it is the end.

My voice wavered.

"Do you want me to continue?" Asked Citlali in a murmur.

I closed my eyes. "Yes, thank you."

When I opened them, I saw Kai's silent tears rolling down her cheeks. I gave Citlali the letter, and, on instinct, put my hand on Kai's arm. She didn't try to get away from my touch.

Citlali pushed a lock of her smooth dark hair behind her ear and read, holding shakily the letter in both hands.

I have so many regrets. My biggest one is keeping you at a distance, not letting you in. You always think that you will have the time. I had so much time. You think that maybe tomorrow you will be braver. But I wasn't.

At least, I want the three most important persons in my life to know me. Again, I understand it's selfish. But I'm lonely and afraid. And it's not your fault. You did everything you could. It was me. It was my fault. Forgive me.

Each one of you knows pieces of me. And the rest, you can find in my house. That's what the key is for. The address is on the other side of this letter.

I know I have no right and, if you're not interested, if you just want to forget about me, I understand.

But I want you to know that I love you. I was very fortunate to meet each one of you.

With all my heart,


Citlali put the letter down on the table without lifting her head, and placed her hand on the key, as to verify its existence. Without thinking, and in the same movement as Kai, I put my hand on hers. It was a silent plea. And we knew we would answer Ameyal's wish.

When we lifted our heads and looked at each other, it didn't seem we were strangers any longer. We were linked by our love for her. And I found this connection comforting.


Total wordcount: 2184 words

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