Chapter 37. Citlali

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In the days that followed, we told Carlos what we knew about the magician and the sorcerer. He dug in for information and video-called us back.

"Apparently, the guy is dead," he said. "I'm not surprised. You have to be pretty stupid to deal with this kind of sorcerer. Even I know that. And it says something." He ran his hand in his hair, chuckling awkwardly. "Anyway, he clearly went over his head."

I took Lee's hand and squeezed it.

"And did you hear something about Lee?" I asked.

"Nope. Nothing. I don't think he would have bragged about an immortal having witnessed his betrayal."

Lee rested her head on my shoulder and took a deep breath.

"I think you're safe now, kid," Carlos said with a soft smile. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go. Take care and see you soon."

We waved at him and we hung up.

"It's over. For good this time," Dovi said.

Lee nodded against my shoulder.

We stayed silent for a few minutes, letting the newfound calm settle.

And then Kai sighed. "Let's just have some pizza, and maybe watch some reality TV."

Lee burst into laughter and lifted her head. "What kind of reality TV do supernaturals watch?" She asked.

Kai rolled her eyes. "All kind. You don't think we're going to deprive ourselves of the prime entertainment of our time."

Dovi and I glanced at each other and chuckled.

"I mean," Dovi said, "who can resist a heartbreaking real estate show?"

Kai sighed even louder. "Ah. They are the best."

"Or a fair and square talent show where talent is the only thing that counts. Absolutely nothing else," I added.

Kai pointed her finger at me to show her agreement.

Lee looked between the three of us and smiled. "Alright. Pizza and reality TV it is, then."

"I know the best place for..." Kai started and didn't even bother to finish her sentence before taking her phone and calling what I supposed was an exceptional pizza place. She didn't ask what we wanted, probably because it sounded like she had ordered everything on the menu.

We ended up in front of the television in the living room with blankets over us and at least six different kinds of pizzas, all indeed delicious. We binged almost an entire season of a show until Lee finally fell asleep.

Dovi slid their arms under her knees and her back and carried her to the guest bedroom.

Then the three of us went to bed. We did not have much sleep that night. There was too much desire to feel them, to assure myself of the reality of their presence. And they felt it too. I could almost hear the urgency in the vibration of the air, like a song. And when our bodies touched, the soul of my lovers glittered like a sky full of stars.

 And when our bodies touched, the soul of my lovers glittered like a sky full of stars

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