Chapter 19. Citlali

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I didn't know if it was the best Italian in town, but it was great for sure. The decoration was minimal, but the food was amazing and it felt like being in a family's dining room. It was perfect.

We laughed, we enjoyed the food, and I didn't see the time passed. However, the whole dinner, I kept having this feeling that I was lying to Kai or that I was betraying her in some way. I didn't know with certainty if Dovi felt the same, but I had to say something. When we got out of the restaurant, I couldn't wait any longer and I followed my instinct.

"Dovi and I kissed earlier," I said. I noticed a flash of relief on Dovi's face.

Kai, on the contrary, tried to hide that she was hurt. I was right. "Oh, okay," she said with fleeting eyes. "I'm happy for you both."

Dovi shook their head and put their hand on Kai's arm. "No, you don't understand. It's not just about us."

The young immortal frowned. "What do you mean?"

I took over. "I'm telling you this because it feels like a betrayal to hide this from you." Kai looked even more confused. "I'm not going to talk for Dovi, but I have feelings for them and I also have feelings for you."

Kai glanced rapidly between me and Dovi.

"I feel the same way," Dovi said with this calm smile and this tenderness in their voice that always warmed my heart. "I don't know exactly what all this means, but I care about both of you. And you can do whatever you want with this piece of information, Kai, but I, we, just wanted for you to know."

Kai gasped for air and kept on looking successively at me and at Dovi, trying to decipher our expressions.

"I..." she started before closing her eyes for a second to recollect her thoughts. "I care about both of you too. I just didn't think... well, I couldn't imagine... I... I didn't want to assume," she trailed off and rolled her eyes. "Oh hell, am I going to manage to end a sentence?" She took a deep breath and started over. "I have feelings for you too. And," she finally smiled, "honestly, I want to kiss you both. I've been wanting to do that for a while, but then again, apparently I've got some catching up to do."

Dovi and I laughed. "I have no objection to that," Dovi said.

"Me neither," I added.

Kai hesitated for a second as if she was afraid to hurt one of us, should she choose the other one first. I wanted it to be easier for her. So I took a step towards her. She cupped my cheek with one hand and stroked my lower lip with her thumb. And then we leaned towards each other and our lips touched. Her mouth a warm shelter amid the cold air of this winter night.

We explored each other gently, her body getting closer and closer to mine. And it felt obvious. A truth and a promise at the same time. When our lips parted, our foreheads stayed in contact for a second, lingering as if not wanting to let go.

I looked into her eyes and smiled. Then we both turned towards Dovi. This time, Kai didn't hesitate. She reached for the other vampire with intention and their arms welcomed her as if she had always belonged here. It was hard to understand all the feelings that flooded in my head, my heart, and my body while I watched them together. An intensity I had never experienced before. But one thing was certain, and it was the joy.

 But one thing was certain, and it was the joy

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