Chapter 13 Citlali

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I received a text message from Dovi saying that they were in the hotel lobby. I hesitated for a second before giving them my room number. I put some water on my face, even if I knew it would not be enough to hide that I had been crying.

I opened the door and let them in, forcing a smile. Dovi caught a glance at me, not fooled in the slightest by my efforts. "Nice room," they said. And I was grateful they didn't push me.

"I love this hotel. The first time I came here was in 1935."

"Can I sit?"

"Of course." I pointed towards the green couch near the imposing window, and I sat beside Dovi. "Is Kai alright?"

"Yes, she is. Believe it or not, she brought me to a gym for supernaturals in Hell's Kitchen. We had a great time."

I chuckled. "Really? That's interesting."

"How are you?" Dovi said softly.

My smile dropped, and I turned my head away. "Honestly, I don't know. I was tired, and I went back to the hotel, but then I was alone with my thoughts here. And..."

"I understand."

"If I let myself feel, I'm angry, Dovi. And then I feel guilty because of my anger. And I have so many regrets. Maybe I should have looked for her. But I thought..."

"You couldn't know how Ameyal felt about you."

"It's just. I feel my life has been rewritten. As if the ground opened below my feet. I don't know what to believe anymore. The last time I felt this way was a long time ago."

"And what did you do then to deal with it?"

"Oh, I didn't. I was still drinking human blood at the time. So..."

Dovi winced.

"I apologize," I rushed to say. "I didn't want to... Do you drink human blood?"

"No, not anymore. But what you said brought back bad memories."

I nodded. "I'm sorry."

Dovi shook their head and composed themselves. After a moment, they continued. "I think you should not stay alone. There is so much to deal with."

I searched their eyes and hesitated with what to say.

"It's not just you," they said. "I know I don't want to be alone right now."

They reached for my hand and wrapped it in both of theirs over their lap as if protecting a precious object.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "You're right. Thank you."

Dovi didn't answer, but they sat more comfortably, resting against the back of the couch, my hand still in theirs. We stayed like that for a long time, in silence, and the warmth of Dovi's body beside me anchored me slowly. Little by little I felt Dovi's hand and arm relax too, and when I opened my eyes and looked at them, they smiled.

 Little by little I felt Dovi's hand and arm relax too, and when I opened my eyes and looked at them, they smiled

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