Chapter 28. Citlali

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Kai definitely knew the best places. The coffee shop she brought us to had the look of a punk metal joint but the menu of an English tea house. The owner, all black clothes, partially shaved hair, and dramatic jewelry, served us an incredible chocolate cake with a contagious smile.

"I love it here," Dovi said.

I tried the cake and moaned. "Oh my god. This is incredible."

Kai chuckled. "Jalen is a pastry master. And he's a great guy. He's the sweetest."

"Only a great soul can bake like that." I nodded. "This is art."

Dovi looked at us with a smile.

After sharing two or three other slices because Kai wanted to make me try everything on the menu, we walked back to the house and got back to work.

Kai contacted some charities to see if they would be interested in some things we wanted to get rid of, while Dovi and I continued to work on the sitting room. There were a few bookshelves, and we sorted the books and papers we found. Everything personal to Ameyal we wanted to keep, we stored in the cellar.

Dovi came closer to me and slid their arms around my waist from behind, resting their chin on my shoulder. I took their hands in mine. "I love you too. You know that, right?" I said.

"I know." I heard the smile in their voice. "And I love both of you."

They kissed the space under my ear. I was going to turn around to hug them but something caught my eye.

"What is it?" They asked.

I stared at the wallpaper near one of the bookshelves. "There is something here."

I walked towards it and looked closer. There was a glyph hidden in the pattern. I showed it to Dovi.

"What do you think it is?" They said.

"Magic. There must be something hidden here. A safe maybe."

We called Kai and showed her what we had found. She brushed her finger over the symbol. "I don't know anything about magic. You?"

I sighed. "A bit but I don't practice myself."

"I learned a thing or two, but this is not something I kept on exploring," Dovi said. "However, if it's just a simple protection spell for a safe and if we find the right ritual, I may be able to do it."

"Maybe we can find something useful in Ameyal's archives," I suggested.

Dovi and Kai nodded. We started looking for anything related to magic but it was like searching for a needle in a haystack, and after hours of effort, it was the middle of the night and we still had found nothing.

Kai yawned. "I'm so sleepy," she said sprawling over the sofa.

"We could sleep here tonight," I tried. "You tidied the guest room, right?"

Kai hesitated and nodded.

"You don't feel comfortable staying here?" I asked.

"No, I just wondered how I would feel about that for a second, but it turns out that I'm okay with it if you are."

Dovi agreed, and we fell asleep quickly, entangled in the bed, Kai between Dovi and me, her breath caressing the skin of my chest.

Dovi agreed, and we fell asleep quickly, entangled in the bed, Kai between Dovi and me, her breath caressing the skin of my chest

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