4: Roommate Rumbles

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Chapter Four: Roommate Rumbles

Isadora stood in the doorway of her new room, her eyes wide with awe as she took in the spacious accommodations before her. It was a far cry from the small, cozy bedroom she had grown up in on Naboo. Here, in the heart of the Jedi Temple, her quarters were expansive, with high ceilings and large windows that flooded the room with natural light.

Taking a hesitant step forward, Isadora let out a soft gasp as she surveyed the room. There was a comfortable bed against one wall, a sleek desk with a datapad resting on its surface, and even a small training area tucked into the corner. It was more than she could have ever hoped for.

As Isadora began to unpack her belongings, her mind wandered to her new surroundings. She was thrilled to be starting this new chapter of her life as a Jedi, but she couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that had settled in the pit of her stomach. It wasn't just the unfamiliarity of her new surroundings that unsettled her, though. It was the knowledge that on the other side of the wall, just a few feet away, was Anakin's room.

The thought sent a shiver down Isadora's spine as she recalled their tense encounter earlier that day. She had hoped that being assigned to separate rooms would provide some distance between them, but now she realized that they were closer than ever.

With a sigh, Isadora pushed the unsettling thoughts from her mind and focused on unpacking her belongings. She carefully arranged her clothes in the closet and set her personal items on the desk, taking care to make the space feel like her own.

As the evening wore on and the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room, Isadora found herself growing tired. With a yawn, she changed into her nightclothes and crawled into bed, hoping to get a good night's sleep before her first day of training.

But as Isadora settled beneath the covers and closed her eyes, she was greeted by a sound that sent a jolt of frustration through her body. The unmistakable sound of someone boxing, their fists pounding against the wall with a rhythmic thud.

Isadora's eyes snapped open, her heart pounding in her chest as she listened to the noise reverberating through the room. It was coming from the other side of the wall, from Anakin's room.

Gritting her teeth in frustration, Isadora tried to block out the noise and focus on sleep. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't escape the relentless pounding of Anakin's fists against the wall.

With a sigh of defeat, Isadora tossed and turned in bed, her mind racing with frustration. She had hoped that her new room would provide some peace and quiet, but now she realized that she was in for a long night.

As the hours passed and the noise continued unabated, Isadora felt her frustration giving way to exhaustion. With a weary sigh, she finally drifted off to sleep, the sound of Anakin's boxing fading into the background as she succumbed to the embrace of slumber.

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