45: stuck in my head

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Anakin made his way to the training room, his mind still lingering on the events of the previous night. As he entered, he found Obi-Wan beaming with an uncharacteristic joy that immediately caught his attention.

"Master, what has you in such high spirits?" Anakin inquired, curious about the source of Obi-Wan's happiness.

Obi-Wan turned to him, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Anakin, I have some news. I am getting married."

Anakin was taken aback. He never imagined his master, the epitome of Jedi dedication, would find love. "Married? That's... that's wonderful news, Master. Who is the lucky woman?"

Obi-Wan's smile widened. "She is a queen from the planet Verizon. Her name is Liana. She is a remarkable woman, and I am truly fortunate to have her in my life."

Anakin couldn't help but feel genuinely happy for his master. After all the trials and hardships they had faced, it was heartwarming to see Obi-Wan find happiness. "Congratulations, Master. I'm truly happy for you."

As he left the training room, Anakin's mind was abuzz with thoughts of Obi-Wan's impending nuptials. He couldn't wait to share the news with Isadora. She would be thrilled to hear about their master's newfound happiness.

When he arrived back at his room, he found Isadora sitting at the table, engrossed in a datapad. "Isadora, you'll never guess what," he began, excitement bubbling in his voice. "Master Obi-Wan is getting married!"

Isadora looked up, her eyes wide with surprise. "Married? That's incredible news! Who's the lucky woman?"

"Her name is Liana, and she's a queen from the planet Verizon," Anakin explained, his smile widening at the thought of Obi-Wan's happiness.

Isadora beamed. "That's wonderful, Anakin. We have to attend the wedding. It'll be such a joyous occasion."

As Isadora and Ahsoka sat down for breakfast, enjoying their morning smoothies, Ahsoka couldn't contain her excitement about Obi-Wan's upcoming wedding.

"Isn't it amazing, Isadora? Master Obi-Wan getting married," Ahsoka exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Isadora nodded, a warm smile gracing her lips. "It truly is. He deserves all the happiness in the world."

Taking a sip of her smoothie, Ahsoka turned to Isadora with a curious expression. "So, when are you and Anakin going to tie the knot?"

Isadora nearly choked on her smoothie, caught off guard by the question. She coughed and sputtered before regaining her composure. "Marry Anakin? Oh, I... I don't know, Ahsoka. That's... that's a crazy thought."

Ahsoka raised an eyebrow, her gaze thoughtful. "Is it, though? You two seem pretty close. I'm sure Anakin would be thrilled at the idea."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2024 ⏰

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