The organization

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An organization constructed with professional assassins controlled by the youngest male becomes the most successful boss in one of the immense mafias in the city.

His talent impressed and intimidated other organizations from other factions, even the second one in line. His naughty behavior and mysterious precise aim mock the other monuments.

As the young boss sits in a freshly-polished limo, returning home from a crucial mission, bombing one of his enemies' stations.

He notices his butler unlocking his door, bowing his head before grabbing the young master's lax-white umbrella.

The young boss gently places it in his soft, pale hands, opening the runner to hover over his honey-brown curls.

His skin is as pale as snow, complementing the lustrous light blue orbs from his beautifully almond-shaped eyes.

His long eyelashes flutter gracefully, with his pink-tainted lips curving into a smile.  The young brunette gracefully strolls the white, smooth walkway connecting to the grand front door.

Bodyguards in black tux line the marble pathway with their heads raised high, keeping their stance tense and threatening.

As the young boss skips on the swirled marble, a male with a sinister grin steps onto the luminance sidewalk, fuming with rage.

The unaware brunette senses a tap on his narrow shoulders, confusing the young male.

"Sir, it appears you have a visitor," the butler whispered in his ear. The young boss smirked before twirling around, catching the raven's piercing gaze.

"Greetings, my foolish stalker. Have you come here to kill me?" the brunette questioned arrogantly, smiling from the raven's irritated expression.

"You have killed my master and shall pay for what you did. You deserve to die," the raven male boiled, gritting his teeth as he fetched a weapon from his front pocket.

"Oh, my apologies. I didn't mean to anger you, but it must be done. He was a parasite to this society," the young boss explained, tilting his head.

"How dare you?" the raven yelled, his veins crawling around his neck.

"If you hate me that much. Why don't you come here and kill me? It's that simple."

The raven male wastes no time as he sprints towards the brunette screaming, keeping his weapon out as he grips the handle, turning his knuckles white.

As the raven steps onto the marble pathway. He trips on a tripwire, triggering several sharp blades flying in his direction.

The edges pierce his chest, impaling his heart and killing him immediately. The raven male's body drops to his knees before falling to the ground, now a vessel of flesh.

The young boss smirks, unfazed by the sudden turn of events. His bodyguards quickly rush forward to inspect the fallen intruder, ensuring that he is indeed dead.

The young boss calmly walks towards the lifeless body, his eyes filled with a mix of amusement and indifference.

"Such a shame," he mutters, his voice dripping with nonchalance. "But you should have known better than to challenge me."

The butler, still standing nearby, watches the scene unfold with a hint of concern in his eyes.
He knows that his young master's power and influence have made him many enemies, each one seeking revenge for their fallen comrades.

But it is the young boss's cold and calculated nature that worries him the most. As the bodyguards remove the deceased intruder from the premises, the young boss brushes off his elegant suit, never once losing his composed demeanor. He turns to his butler, a spark of mischief in his eyes.

"Prepare a statement for the media," he instructs, his voice laced with authority. "Let them know that anyone who dares to challenge me will meet the same fate."

The butler nods obediently, understanding the importance of maintaining their reputation in the ruthless world of crime.

He knows that the young boss's words will strike fear into the hearts of their enemies, ensuring their dominance over the city's mafia.

And so, the young boss continues to reign over his organization, his name whispered in both fear and admiration.

His professional assassins carry out his orders without question, knowing that their loyalty is rewarded handsomely.

With each successful mission and each fallen enemy, the young boss solidifies his position as the most feared and respected figure in the underworld.

But behind the facade of power and control, there lies a darkness within the young boss.
A darkness that fuels his ambition and drives him to eliminate anyone who stands in his way.

As he gazes out at the city from the grand windows of his lavish mansion, a sinister smile playing on his lips, he knows that he will stop at nothing to maintain his position as the unrivaled boss of the immense mafia.

For in this world of shadows and secrets, it is survival of the fittest. And the young boss is determined to stay at the top, no matter the cost.

Word count: 819

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