Toxic gas

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Frigid brick walls crack from toxic gas in the air as cars surround cast aflame. An abandoned, disrupted building barely stands sole in a renounced city.

The suffocating gas sends the lungs to strain, burning the capability to breathe. However, if equipped with a gas mask, people survive, even the soldiers who are currently boycotting the scarce city.

They are armed with guns and tranquilizers to investigate a mysterious person who can withstand the poisonous gas. They embark on a mission to retrieve the individual.

Further into the void, they discover torn furniture and shattered glass littering the concrete.

The soldiers scatter in different directions, gaining more ground to find the target, down numerous stairways and corridors, searching for the main objective.

The surging fog creeps after dusk as the temperature drops below freezing. The soldiers push forward, their breath visible in the icy air as they navigate the labyrinthine building.

Their footsteps echo off the dilapidated walls, creating an eerie symphony in the desolate surroundings.

As they progress deeper into the heart of the abandoned structure, the tension mounts.
Every creaking floorboard and flickering light bulb adds to the sense of impending danger.

The soldiers remain vigilant, their eyes scanning every shadow, their fingers twitching on the triggers of their weapons.

Suddenly, a faint noise breaks the silence. It's the sound of a door creaking open, followed by a whisper.

The soldiers freeze, their gazes locked on the source of the sound. Slowly, they move towards it, their hearts pounding in their chests.

They enter a dimly lit room, its walls covered in peeling wallpaper and its floor covered in dust.

In the center of the room, they find the mysterious individual they were sent to retrieve dressed in tattered clothing, with a worn-out face mask with their face hidden beneath; the person seems unfazed by the toxic environment.

The soldiers cautiously approach their weapons, still at the ready. They demand answers, their voices laced with curiosity and suspicion.

But the individual remains silent, their eyes locked on the soldiers with an intensity that sends shivers down their spines.

As the soldiers contemplate their next move, a sudden gust of wind blows through the broken windows, extinguishing the remaining candles in the room.

Darkness engulfs them, leaving them momentarily disoriented. Panic sets in, and they scramble to find their way out.

In the pitch-blackness, the soldiers hear the sound of footsteps echoing all around them.

They realize they are not alone.

Fear grips their hearts as they desperately try to regroup and find an escape route. But the mysterious individual seems to have vanished into thin air, leaving them to face an unknown threat.

With their gas masks providing a semblance of protection, the soldiers navigate the treacherous corridors, their senses heightened by the absence of light.

Every sound, every movement, becomes a potential danger. They can feel something lurking in the shadows, watching their every move.

As they inch closer to the exit, the temperature drops even further, causing their breath to turn into icy vapor.

The frigid air bites at their exposed skin, intensifying the feeling of isolation and vulnerability.

But they press on, driven by their determination to survive and complete their mission.

Finally, they burst through the decaying doors, gasping for fresh air as they exited the abandoned city. The toxic gas still lingers, but they are free from its suffocating grip.

They regroup, their gazes fixed on the desolate landscape before them, knowing that their encounter with the mysterious individual was just the beginning of a much larger mystery that awaited them in the darkness.

Word count: 606

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