The rink

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Alice opens the double doors with shaky hands, feeling the cold air pricking her skin and making her shiver.

She glances around, attempting to find her friend. She takes off, strolling along the black carpet, trying to evade the white, cold surface, taunting her to look.

Alice becomes even more anxious than before, panicking from the overwhelming crowd of people waiting for the event.

Looking around frantically, she feels a hand on her shoulder. Turning around to find her friend with a concerned expression.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here," her friend said softly, smiling with gentle eyes.

"I'm happy you're here. I thought you wouldn't come, but I'm glad you did," her friend stated, voice soft and gentle.

Her friend grabbed Alice's hand and sped walls to her reserved seats. She bumps into several people, navigating her way out of the crowd.

They go up the flight of stairs connecting to the VIP area, opening the glass doors and surrounding them with warmth.

"This is so much better than seating in the common area.

We could have been freezing out there," her friend chuckles, looking out the glass window to the rink. Alice doesn't say much as she stares at the ice, reflecting the lights above.

She feels guilty after declining her friends' invitations to the ice rink. She knows Alice is severely terrified of the ice but desperately tries to get her out of her apartment and out in the world. She wants Alice back on the ice, spinning and gliding around like she once was before.

"Do you think Noah is going to win?" her friend asked, examining Alice with a smile.

"If he doesn't, the judges don't know what true talent is. I know Noah is going to win. There is no doubt," Alice explained, holding her gaze locked on the ice.

Her friend nods her head, grinning at Alice.
The light's dim, and the atmosphere changes, preparing to start the completion.

Alice and her friend sit on the black cushion chairs, watching the MC introduce the judges and skaters.

The event begins, and the first act is up, which is Noah, gliding to the center of the rink, ready to start his routine.

He skated around, moving his body to the music and landing perfectly. He did a double axle, spinning in the air and landing shortly after.

The music was minor but grand, making it seem like he was an angel dancing on air.
He finishes with a triple axle, raising his legs above his waist and whirling around until he gradually slows down.

He bows before gliding towards the exit, ready for the next performance. The rest of the skaters performed their routine, and honestly, they were pretty bland. They almost did the same thing.

Their jumps were simple, and the music didn't fit their aesthetic. It was boring, and Alice's friend lost interest during the rest of the acts. She was talking to Alice about Noah and how well he did.

They knew that he was going to win.
The event ends, and the judges have made their decision.

The 3rd place and 2nd place are announced through the microphone. The crowd goes wild, waiting for the 1st place to be announced.

"The 1st place goes to..." the MC pauses for dramatic effect.

"Noah Locksheart!" the crowd screams and cheers out loud, congratulating the winners.
Alice and her friend walk down the stairs, watching Noah skate to the gate, stepping on the black carpet.

He sits on the bench and takes off his skates before glancing up, surprised to see Alice with her friend.

"Congratulations, Noah. I knew you would win," Alice's friend said excitedly, sitting beside Noah and wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"Thanks, Jackie. I already knew I was going to win. I'm just awesome like that," Noah stated, closing his eyes and bringing his hand to his chest, smiling.

"Oh, come on now. You suck," Jackie laughs, releasing her grip on Noah's shoulder, wheezing.

"No, I don't. You're such an idiot," Noah laughs, smacking Jackie's arm. They come down from their high and glance up to see Alice with an awkward smile.

"We should grab something to eat to celebrate your victory," Jackie said, grabbing her bag before standing up and watching Noah collect his skates.

They head out of the building and walk towards the parking lot, talking about random things.

"Where are we eating?" Noah asked, opening his car's trunk and laying his skates and bags down.

"How about that new Italian restaurant that opened a few weeks ago?" Jackie asked, looking at Noah.

"That sounds good. What do you think, Alice?" Noah asked, facing her with a smile.

Word count: 785

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