Fallen Leaves' Regret

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I never should have let Hollyleaf leave that cave back to her clan mates. I never should have.

I let her go back to her clan with barely a goodbye, and little did I know at that time at it would have been the last time I ever saw her again.

Now all I can do is wait, wait for myself to join her once again in the stars, to walk the skies with her by my side.

"On to Thunderclan! We shall help Thunderclan!" The ancient cats thundered into the Thunderclan territory, racing to help them in the great battle.

As we entered clan, I gazed around eagerly to find Hollyleaf, if I could spot her again.

An orange furred scarred Tom launched himself on me and I scratched him, biting on his ear until I drew blood. Raking my claws down his belly, I spat at the traitor before leaving him bleeding.

Just then, I glimpsed a familiar black pelt laying limp on the ground, cats surrounding her, medicine cat trying hard to save her.

Horrified, I raced over. "Holly.." The words were choked, stuck in my throat. "Hollyleaf."

Grief overtook me as I watched her take her last breath, dying while fighting for her clan.

"Hollyleaf!" I wailed to the skies. "You said that we would meet again, you can't leave me!" Pressing my nose into her still warm fur, I breathed in her scent.

"She died saving her clan mate." Jayfeather lowered his head sadly. "She lost too much blood."

I will meet you in the skies, we shall walk them together. When I find you again, I'll never let you go. Wait for me, Hollyleaf.

With that, I dashed into the battle with only one thing in my mind. I had to take revenge for Hollyleaf. Dark forest cats, prepare to die.

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