Jayfeather's secret

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This is me, Jayfeather, and I'm going to tell you my story. My true story. This is a secret so don't tell Bramblestar, okay? Thanks! Now, let's start, shall we?

"Brialight!" I called the she cat awake. "It's time for your exercise!"

Brialight snapped awake and sat up, giving herself a quick wash. "Okay."

I instructed Brialight to do her exercises on her own as I went to collect herbs.

I skipped to the herb bush, my Jose twitching. Suddenly, I stopped in my tracks. Was I skipping? When did grumpy Jayfeather skip?!

I licked my chest, embarrassed, hoping no one saw me.

Hurriedly, I collected the herbs before heading back to my camp.

"Jayfeather, I'm done." Brialight meowed and dragged herself back into her nest.

"Okay good. Take a rest." I suggested, sorting herbs out.

I could feel Brialight's intent stare burning into my back as I threw away the leftovers of Feverfew that I used on Squirrelflight.

Finally, I grew annoyed. "What is it?" I growled.

Brialight jumped, clearly surprised. "I- I just..."

"Spit it out already!" I snapped, whipping around and 'looked' at her.

"What is wrong with you? I- I saw you skipping just now." Brialight hissed.

Mouse dung, she saw it. "That's none of your business." I swept out of the den, irritated.

~~~Timeskip to nighttime~~~~~~~~

I headed back to camp from a walk and entered my den.

Yawning, I settled into my nest. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard a yowl.

I turned around in shock, but relaxed as I realised it was Brialight having a nightmare. I padded over and felt that her fur was strangely cold.

As I peered closer, she seemed to be shivering. I curled into her nest and slept next to her, hoping to keep her warm.

Like that, our secret feelings for each other grew.

~~~~~~~two moons later~~~~~~~~~

"Jayfeather!" Brialight called, beckoning me over.

Brialight was now helping me out in the medicine cat den and was also my best friend.

"YESH?" I asked as I padded over.

"I'm having kits." Brialight announced happily.

"Oh. Who's the father?" I asked a little sadly with forced enthusiasm.

"Erm... You." Brialight whispered with a smile.

"Oh. Okay That's great! But keep it a secret." I grinned and curled my tail around her. "Ours kits will be the best!"

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