A Hundred Souls

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Mihawk treads slowly down the weathered path, heading west toward Yoru. He can feel the eyes of the jungle watching his every move. The creatures stay hidden within its depths but never lift their gaze from him. It's clear to him that the jungle is alive in a different sense than one would expect. Mihawk can hear various critters, hisses, and grumbles as the different species of beasts communicate with one another as they track him. The animals seem to have a symbiotic relationship, destined to serve and protect the feral woman.

Mihawk emerges from the jungle, stepping onto the west beach. Noticing all the debris, he assumes this is where he washed up. He sees many trails of small footprints followed by animal tracks snaking across the sand. He follows their general direction, finding Yoru nestled on a soft patch of grass. He plucks the sword from the ground, inspecting it closely, ensuring the black blade hasn't received any damage since their separation. Satisfied Yoru remains in good condition, Mihawk grips the hilt tightly with one hand and swings his sword. A force parallel to the earth emanates from the blade like sharpened air, flawlessly slicing through a series of palm trees that grow along the coast. Dusting the air with tiny grains of sand, not a single piece strong enough to cling to Yoru.

Mihawk's attention is drawn to the beach front by metallic clanging, as if someone threw silverware across their kitchen floor. He looks to see Astera standing in the sand, mouth agape, frozen with surprise. Two of her sacks lying in a pile at her feet, with various trinkets tumbling out. Another sack, draped over her shoulder and resting on her hip.

'Utterly Silent'

The words replay through Mihawk's mind. Once again, he was unable to sense her presence despite her relatively close proximity.

Astera, wide-eyed and unsettled, wrestles with the reality of what she has just witnessed. The realization of the serious threat Mihawk now poses slowly creeps through her system. Cautiously scanning her surroundings, she locks eyes with Mihawk. Astera struggles to conceal the fear now surging within her-a once-forgotten emotion that hasn't reared its head for 25 years. Trapped on a small island with a man whose power vastly surpasses hers, she takes a tentative step back, instinctively preparing for her swift escape.

Mihawk getures his hand to her, palm out, in an attempt to calm her,
"Waaait." He drones, "I will not harm you."

Astera doesn't believe him for a single second. She darts down the shoreline with an urgency that matches the crashing waves. Swift as she is, Mihawk outsprints her effortlessly. Securing Yoru to his back, he materializes in front of Astera with startling speed. His grip is firm as he seizes both of her wrists, effectively stopping her escape. Astera emits a few grunts and growls, violently jerking her arms in a desperate attempt to break free. Digging her feet into the sand, she strains to pull away, leaving only a small trench in her wake. Yet, Mihawk remains an immovable force, holding her in place, patiently awaiting for her to exhaust herself in this futile struggle.

"Stop." He commands, his voice remaining neutral.

Jinx, never too far away from Astera, leaps onto the beach, snarling and charging at Mihawk. The formidable swordsman meets the feline's challenge with a steely glare, flexing his stare in a silent standoff.

"That is enough out of you." He says to Jinx, invoking a slight fear response in her.

Despite being outmatched, Jinx assumes a defensive position close to the ground, crawling side to side in distress. She hisses at Mihawk but refrains from advancing, maintaining a vigilant watch over him and Astera. Mihawk diverts his attention back to Astera, who is currently having a hissy fit within his unyielding grasp. Her feet are firmly planted in the sand, each jerk and tug digging her heels deeper, almost to her calves. Her agitated growls transition into desperate whines as she makes one last futile attempt to free herself. With no hope for success, she relinquishes the struggle, dropping to her butt, head hanging low. Her chest heaves, pumping air through her stressed body.

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