The Morning After

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Mihawk awakens, his body stirring beneath the sheets, as he draws a deep, languid breath. Strips of sunlight dance through the room, adorning Astera's skin with a tapestry of golden caresses as his eyes slowly part to greet the day. A glance towards the open balcony, with the morning sun painting the sky in hues of gold, stirs a realization within him- the day and night that have slipped quietly by in their shared repose.

Beside him, Astera shifts, the stillness of slumber gradually giving way to awakened rustles. Her arms rise in an arc above her head, a ballet of shadows playing across her skin, as her hands unfurl, welcoming life back into their veins. The subtle spasms in her legs and toes splaying in a stretch of freedom mirror the awakening of the world outside. As she reaches out, her form, bathed in the soft morning light, kindles a familiar longing in Mihawk's chest-a profound hunger, deep and raw, that only her presence can quench.

As she stretches beside him, he thwarts her attempt to roll onto her stomach. Wrapping his arm securely around her waist, he draws her in, aligning her back with the contours of his chest. Her surprise manifests as a soft 'yelp', a spontaneous reaction to his unexpected embrace. Turning her head slightly, she offers him a fleeting, questioning glance. In response, he burrows into the tender junction of her neck and shoulder, his lips grazing her skin in a series of delicate kisses, each one a whisper of his longing. The idle dance of his thumb on her abdomen sketches intricate patterns, each touch igniting a blush of freckles. Caught in the web of his caresses, Astera finds her breath catching, her body responding with a subtle, involuntary shiver.

Mihawk's embrace around Astera becomes a fortress of tension as his hold tightens, a deliberate roll of his hips against her igniting a spark in the silence. An unbidden gasp slips through her lips due to the surprise and welling desire within. The tips of his fingers, bold yet tender, flirt along the edge of her garments, teasing the fabric with a promise of more. Each shallow breath she draws is laced with a growing warmth, her cheeks kissed by a blush of freckles. This time, unlike in the forst, the air between them is charged with an unmistakable intent, his breaths against her skin not just soft but insistent, stirring the air with an intensity that speaks of deeper desires.

Mihawk inhales the moment, his breath mingling with the delicate scent of Astera's skin. He traces the contour of her shoulder with his tongue, ascending to the softness of her earlobe, pausing to tenderly nibble it. A wave of sensation washes over her, causing her head to tilt back as a soft moan whispers past her lips. The faint sound elicits a smile from him, pressing warmly against her skin, his arousal intensifying with the intimate sound. With a fluid motion, he turns her onto her back, positioning himself with knees planted on either side beneath her hips, her legs effortlessly resting over his thighs. Astera's eyes, wide with a blend of surprise and yearning, envelope him.

Leaning over her, he traces a tantalizing path with his lips, starting from the delicate curve of her collarbone and ascending her neck, concluding with a passionate collision of their lips. Their kiss deepens, fueled by a shared need. Astera's hips roll instinctively, her entire being tensing as a torrent of warmth floods her senses. Mihawk teases her bottom lip with his tongue, a silent plea for entry. Gradually, she yields, their tongues intertwining, breaths intermingling in the heated space that pulsates with their combined desire for closeness.

Mihawk's hand ascends Astera's abdomen, slipping deftly beneath the hem of her crop top to lift it, unveiling the soft swell of her breasts. The pronounced peaks of her nipples, taut with eager anticipation, silently confess her inner desire. As she lifts her chest subtly towards him, the chill of the dawn air caresses her exposed skin, eliciting a shiver that melds with the deepening of her kiss, begging for more.

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