Humor Me

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|The Next Morning|

Mihawk reclines in leisure against a sturdy tree within the clearing, his long legs stretched out before him, one lazily draped over the other. From beneath the brim of his retrieved hat, he observes the gradual stirrings of the Red Hair Pirates. One by one, they come to life, gathering scattered belongings with the slow, deliberate motions of their newly awakened and hungover.

Astera stirs atop Mihawk's lap, back draped carelessly across as her naval rises and falls with a slight weeze to her labored breaths. Her arms sprawl listlessly above her head tangled in the heap of her hair. To top off the slumbering dog pile, Jinx has her paw pinned to Asrera's turned away cheek. Both of them nose to nose as they peacefully snore in each other's faces.

Mihawk absentmindedly rests his hand on Astera's abdomen, tracing aimless circles with his thumb as memories from the previous evening float through his mind. The gentle caresses cause Astera to shift, waking the slumbering feline on top. Jinx, in one broad stroke, stretches her large paws forward, spreading her toes and working her claws, pushing Astera's face into the sand and forcing the girl to release a whimper of irritation. Jinx inhales, extending her jaw wide as her whiskers twitch, then unleashes a hot yawn into Astera's face. As the scent invades Astera's nostrils, her nose scrunches as she responds with a cranky morning grumble, raising her hand to shove Jinx away. In a morning stretch of her own, Astera extends all her limbs, tiny spasms running through her muscles. Just like that, Mihawk's five minutes of early morning peace are over.

As Mihawk gently retracts his hand, Astera gradually rises into a seated position, her back propped against his leg for support. She offers him a drowsy wave, a silent 'Good Morning' etched in the gesture, before she stands, stretching lazily, and retrieving her tote. With a quiet resolve, she meanders off. Once freed from the bottom of the pile, Mihawk stands to go prepare their boat. He leaves Jinx behind to rest her head and steal a few more minutes of shuteye before the day truly begins.

Idling through the jungle, Astera performs her daily routine of rumaging through the foliage for hidden treasures and various herbs. Engrossed in her task, her arm plunges into the heart of a hollow stump, her fingers dancing in anticipation of what they might discover. The sudden rustle of the underbrush halts her exploration; she snaps to attention, her eyes darting across the landscape in search of the source. All she sees is Shanks approaching with his hand up in surrender.

"Whoah there, sweetheart, it's only me." He announces with a light chuckle.

Astera's gaze locks onto him, curious about his intentions. Shanks finds solace on a log nearby as his hand instinctively rises to shield his eyes from the sun's insistent glare, reminding him of his hangover. Mirroring his actions, Astera finds her place on an adjacent stump, her stare fixed on him with expectation. Shanks meets her uncomfortably direct eye contact, as she arches her eyebrows and cocks her head slightly.

Shanks sweeps a hand across his face with a half-hearted chuckle before breaking the silence, "I just wanted to ask you some things." He informs.

Astera purses her lips, unsure how to communicate with the redhead, tapping her throat as her eyes instinctively search for Mihawk, hoping for help with translations.

"Don't stress, just try to communicate how you normally would, I'll figure it out," Shanks says, noticing her discomfort.

Astera seems doubtful at first, her lips pressed into a thin line, but after a moment's consideration, she concedes with a resigned shrug, gesturing for him to continue.

Shanks wastes no time, "What are you?" he asks plainly.

Finding herself confused, Astera furrows her brow, unable to grasp the meaning behind Shanks' question.

FindersKeepers (Dracule Mihawk x OC)Where stories live. Discover now