An Unexpected Guest

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In the heart of an abandoned village, with its streets deserted and cloaked in the late morning sun, Astera stands, soaking in the lifeless beauty around her. Cobblestones, slick with the damp of encroaching mist, stretch between dilapidated buildings whose vacant windows stare out like blind eyes. An arched stone bridge, ornate and bearing the scars of age, connects two crumbling edifices. Laundry, long since forgotten, hangs lifeless upon frayed lines strung across narrow alleys. In the background, cathedral spires loom, half-swallowed by the fog, while a few stubborn gas lamps cast weak pools of light against the pervasive gloom. Silence reigns, except for the distant, hollow whisper of the wind— the breath of a village suspended in time.

Jinx slips into an abandoned shop, while Astera hunts the streets for hidden gems to claim for her collection. Catching a subtle glint beneath a toppled chair outside a derelict café, her interest piques. With a swift motion, she brushes aside the wet leaves, revealing an antiqued brass-gold lighter. Its surface is adorned with the fine etching of a dragon locked in battle with a steadfast knight, both under the watchful gaze of an etched all-seeing eye above them.

Astera's smile widens, proud of her latest discovery. She quickly stashes the item in her tote and stands up, a gesture quickened by excitement. As she rises, the air shifts with Jinx's approach, the familiar soft patter of paws on earth. The cat, a silent conspirator in this day's adventure, has a delivery for her. Astera holds out her hand, and Jinx drops a peculiar pocket watch into it. The watch is unique, with an octagonal shape and Roman numerals. Its clear face reveals the golden gears inside, now locked in place from years of neglect. A twisted metal chain holds the watch, and at the bottom, there's a crescent shaped handle made from a curved tusk.

Curiosity blooms as Astera's fingers trace the handle's path. She gently pulls the handle, revealing a push dagger concealed within the watch. Astera's eyes alight with wonder, look over the fusion of timepiece and blade, examining every detail. With a tender click, she returns the dagger within its home. Looking to Jinx, Astera points to the watch.

'Where did you find this?'

Jinx circles once, then sprints towards the abandoned shop, beckoning Astera with her playful antics. As Astera follows Jinx inside, she's greeted by an array of fascinating wares. The shop is a trove of cleverly disguised weapons; each piece masquerades as an innocuous everyday object. Her gaze is drawn to a set of polished ebony hairpins topped with orbs of deep blue, marbled with lighter veins. Golden charms, shaped like stars and crescents, dangle between the pins, linking them. When aligned, the pins click together seamlessly. Astera discovers their secret as she pulls on the orb: a slender dagger slides out from within the hairpin's wooden sheath.

Astera’s heart swells with excitement at her find. She deftly slips the hairpin into its sheath and, along with the watch, tucks them into her tote. Her spirits high, she hurries out the door, Jinx scampering behind her. In her haste, she crashes headlong into a towering monkey. The collision sends her sprawling onto the ground, and Jinx, unable to halt, trips over her. The monkey, chattering thunderously, assumes a belligerent stance, brandishing its weapon, ready to lash out. But Astera rises with a swift grace, hands defiantly on her hips, locking eyes with the creature. She stands unflinching, exuding the same commanding presence that had turned it away before.

The monkey's agitated chatter dwindles to a murmur, its tension easing as it sheathes its weapon and settles on its haunches before Astera. Her eyes remain fixed on the creature, reading its every twitch and shuffle. Once convinced of its tranquility, she directs her steps toward the town's southern exit, the shore calling in the distance. Barely a dozen paces out, Astera whips around, alerted by the rustle of a follower—only to find the monkey perched silently, a second one now at its side. A frown of puzzlement creases her brow, but she continues, Jinx trailing beside her.

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