Chapter 6 - Walkers in camp

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They had been walking for over an hour and the sky had faded into light purples showing that it was going to get dark soon, meaning that they needed to get back quickly.

They all started jogging, the heat making it more difficult to keep at a decent pace. After another half an hour they reached the final stretch of the journey knowing they would be at camp within ten minutes speared the group on more.

However what little happiness they were feeling vanished when they heard gunfire sounding from the camp. Riley then started to sprint as quickly as her legs could take her, turning the the ten minute journey into a four minute one, though even that felt too long.

She could hear the screams from the people in the group as well as the snarls coming from the walkers, which pushed her to move faster. Upon reaching the camp she instantly pulled out her PPK from her holster and began unloading on any walker in her path.

Riley could hear people calling for help so she ran in their direction only to see Sophia and her mother Carol being surrounded by the dead that were inching closer every second. Riley began shooting the walkers one by one but ended up running out of ammo so she pulled out her hunting knife and started to stab them in the head.

By the time she had finished she had walker blood coating her arms and small traces of it on her face but it wasn't her main concern, she quickly turned to the pair that were huddled against a tree, "Are you both alright? No bites or scratches?"

They both shook their heads indicating that they were fine and Carol kept thanking Riley profusely, but knowing there were more walkers around Riley told the pair to stay behind her.

They made their way back to the group and watched as Daryl shot the last walker in the head with his crossbow and everyone stood silently in shock until Carl sprinted towards his dad with tears in his eyes. Rick embraced his son tightly his fear easing by having his son in his arms.

Riley's attention turned to Andrea who was sat in the floor cradling her younger sister, Amy, tears streaming down her face. Her sons filled the camp as they all saw the girls chest fall still and her eyes glazed over with no emotion. Amy's death caused a blanket of grief to fill the camp and the children hugged their parents tighter shielding themselves from the view.

Everyone watched the grieving sister with sympathy and Jim shuffled on his feet looking uncomfortable before speaking up, "I remember my dream now, why I dug the holes."

And everyone was left with that morbid thought as they tried to get what little sleep they could before the sun rises.


Riley stayed awake throughout the night on watch along with Daryl and when morning came they started to move the deceased into piles after driving a knife through their heads to ensure that they definitely weren't coming back.
Although the sun had just arisen, the heat was already unbearable and the pair were sweating profusely.

They weren't the only ones to stay awake, Andrea was still sat over Amy's body which caused people worry as she had not let anyone get close to ensure Amy won't come back.

Riley watched from where she was stood as Lori walked over to the woman and tried to convince her to let us take her only to be ignored.

"She still won't move?" Rick asked Riley, walking to stand across from her.

"She won't even talk to us." Riley huffed as she drove her knife through the skull of another corpse. "She's been there all night."

"What do we do?" Lori asked with concern looking between the pair.

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