Chapter 22 • Witching Hour

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"You can't fully give your heart to someone If you never gave it to yourself first

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"You can't fully give your heart to someone
If you never gave it to yourself first.
It's in nurturing your own soul,
That you find the strength to connect deeply with someone else."
~ SoulxSigh

   Looking out at the horizon on my balcony, I watched as Sebastian and his armies rode off into battle. They had begun their departure at the first break of light, and now, with the sun setting behind the hill, the last of his army was just disappearing off into the distance. The Northern Territories would not stand a chance, not with numbers like these, and whether it was us instigating this war or not, I hoped Sebastian turned home to me in one piece. 

   I wiped a falling tear from my cheek. I'd been crying, a complete and utter mess from the moment he'd kissed me goodbye this morning. I had begged him not to leave, but I knew nothing could deter him. He had done everything in his power to convince me he would come home to me once the war was over. Everything. Because in my hand he had slipped a ring moments before leaving my chambers. Before I'd even opened my palm to see what it was, he had left me. 

   Looking down at the gold band in my palm, more tears fell. A promise ring. From my soulmate. My heartstrings tore me apart from the inside. I did not know how I would recover from our distance. How I could think of anything else besides him. I needed him. I needed him more than I needed air. My soulmate. My future husband. 


   In bed that night, I awoke to a familiar haunting chill. I could feel it freeze the air around me, making each inhale a shock to my lungs and every exhale a cloud of smoke. Whatever this phantom breeze was, was no longer just a coincidence. I'd experienced it too many times for it to only be a coincidence. The clock struck midnight and I jumped at the sound. There was a presence in the room. Even though I could not see it, I knew there was something else nearby. Whether it was a benevolent being or a wicked one, I did not know. But, I supposed, nothing good ever did come from the witching hour.

   Glancing at the door past the foyer, I knew Lucien was outside guarding my chambers. I had not spoken to him since the night of the feast, mostly because he had made an effort not to give me the opportunity. I would not either if I were him. But I needed to apologize and I wanted to know how he was managing after being kept separate from this war. 

   There was a sudden slam against my balcony door. I yelped and bolted out of bed, ensuring I had a pillow with me as a means to defend myself. I ran for the door, swung it open, and did not stop running until I was safely behind Lucien. He was staring at me wide-eyed, as though I happened to be the scariest being he'd encountered tonight.  

   "There is something on my balcony," I exclaimed. Immediately, his defenses were up. He glanced in the direction of my chambers, eyeing the vacant bedroom and foyer through the dim flickers of the fireplace. 

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