Get me out

18 0 2

I can't I can't anymore I don't wanna do this i simply don't wanna be alive it's too fucking hard on me I can't I just can't no one cares about me anymore and I just feel bad my eating disorder is only getting worse and I keep getting this need to get back to sh and I don't wanna do this but on the other side I'm not pretty I don't have a hot body no one likes me and I don't matter so what if have scars it doesn't matter no one sees them anyway and I really am fighting the urge to cut myself or punch or burn or smt idk it's so fucking hard and therapy doesn't help shit like what the fuck is this I can't tell her nothing because she'll just go and tell my mom and I don't want her to find out and I do need help and I know that but honestly no one can help me I can't it's just too much I don't even know what keeps me alive anymore I have no reason to be here I know it's selfish but I think my parents will get over it eventually I'll just give them a note abt how u want them to move on and help my siblings become what they want and all this because other then my parents no one will even cry so I don't think it's that selfish but I'll have to run away for a bit so I could see how my mom is without me and just to check if they can handle is if they can I'm gone I'm out of this living hell and if not then I'm staying in this fucking he'll
K if you see a girl that killed herself on the news it's me ❤️

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