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Idk how to say it because I don't think I got much better but it's not as bad as it used to me I went to see Taylor live and it was the best night of my life I have a gf that I love so fucking much she's the best thing that ever happened to me I live her so fucking much it's crazy but on the other hand I'm so insecure about my looks I'm so sad the depression is just getting worse and I can't take pills because of my ed ( your girl is fucked up) in waiting for the hospital to look at my case so that I can get it the ed department I'm supposed to be in but that means being in the hospital two days a week but that's fine I think I'll manage my mom just keeps going crazy she's sick a manipulative person I hate this I wanna kms but I'm still here because my girlfriend saves me I love her I truly do and because of Taylor I don't know how to explain it but she just I feel like everything will be fine and I really read our text messages all the time ( me and maybe Taylor's ) idc if that was not really her even though all the info points it is her it was the things I wanted to hear from the person I love so much so I hope it will get better I had the texts up here once but I got so much hate I took it down I don't have the heart to deal with it anyway I hope I can make this week alive lol

Bye babessss

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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