Its me again

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Hi I just thought of giving you an update it's with a lot of topics that can be a trigger so read at your own risk tw: sh ed and more

So I started to sh my mom found out was literally a living hell I started making myself vomit I did lost 6 kg so that's good i still hate myself so much tho i am on a track from school so no bullying but im getting back in two days and i scared i also need to go to the hospital twice a week because of me ed and I am so fucking scared of that I've been so good with the sh it's almost 20 days! But the urge oh the goddamn urge to find something else to do it with bc they took all my stuff and I can't find them ig I can do it with a knife but I don't want to I want my blade it cuts real good well anyway I might be going to the Taylor swift concert 29/5 we are checking the tickets rn and taking to an agent I hope I get to go she's my favorite thing in the whole fucking world I have no one besides Tay I want a gf so bad but I'm ugly and fat and no one would think I'm pretty and would want me so I'm just stuck alone it sucks to go through it all alone I mean my mom have my dad my only friend has her bestie with her my siblings are in a relationship I'm just so alone it hurts but that's fine I guess I hope I get better soon I can't take it anymore

Anyway bye babes

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