Thursday, June 25th, 2015

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I haven't written since ever. I didn't go to taekwondo on tuesday due to finals (bummer) but since I didn't have any finals today I decided to catch up. By doing 1 class with my family. Then 3 classes in a row later one. Let me tell you something. DON'T DO THREE CLASSES IN A ROW. Take a break in between, because I definitely worked a little too hard.

I almost vomited so I held back a bit but also did what I could in class. Two out of the three classes my sister sat out because she felt sick, I couldn't blame her, she's not good at dealing with her own body temperature and it was rather warm today.

The very first class we got there so early that nobody was there and I just listened and watched my siblings banter. Well technically fight but banter seems nicer. Anyway, whilst in the first class we were doing jumping front kicks off of body bags. The third time I jumped I landed on the edge of the bag and sadly I practically destroyed my pinky toe. It's black and blue and very swollen as of now. And after that we leave.

So the when we get back for the three classes, my sister participates fully in the first one along with my little brother. We do everything were suppose to do. My form was called beautiful so that's a bonus!

Second class my sister started to not feel good ALONG WITH her being paired with someone else. Now my little brother, to put it lightly doesn't listen at all. He tends to be hangy and randomly hits me when we're suppose to be at attention.

Also during the second class I was the only brown belt, so I teamed up with the only blue belt and I did her form and mine, I also got a review on the purple belt form which I forgot most of to admit it.

The very last class my sister sat out the whole time on the side stretching because she felt horrible. I felt horrible like I was going to puke, but I love class so I just calmed down what I was doing.

Since I toned down on my action to prevent me from spewing everywhere, I was given a bag to practice kicks on, I definitely improved which I am glad about. My pinky toe definitely didn't like it one bit. I also at the very end of class had to demonstrate a game so that was fun even though I looked like a duck trying to run.

Overall today seemed good, I injured my pinky toe which is now a black and blue ballon, I didn't puke even though I almost did three times, and my form is beautiful!

Until next time fellow martial artists.

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