Thursday, July 17th, 2015

106 6 4

So, before I tell you about class I promised to speak about the leadership thing.

To actually start teaching you have to be 16 (figures). But before you teach you have to attend a teaching class about teaching tkd. Plus you have to do your voluntary hours for like a year or so, then they can hire you.

Now. On to the classes
Like usual I did three. First class was family class with my little brother and older sister. The mats in the very middle were separated due to the air bubbles in the mats being huge.
I did my best to the point where I was shaking which still scares me but oh well, I went to train and I trained.

Second class was not right after the first one, there was a solid 1:30 break in between 1st class and 2nd.

2nd rolled around and it was a massive family class which I did with only my sister. We went through everything in our belts and I learned my second self-defense number. I also did my form and learned a bit more of it, kicks were also done along with me shaking alot at the end of the class. And not moving quickly without my vision going blurry. So I decided to ease up near the end of the class.

Between second and third class was a black belt club class. It was very interesting to watch. They were doing kicks and arm movements that I had not seen before and I was slightly baffled and intrigued at the same time. I'm definetally looking forward to black belt. You can count on it. They also were using nunchucks and it was fun to watch a new black belt use them for the first time, he definetally improved.

3rd class!

Third class wasn't as big as the second or as small as the first, I didn't really go all out due to the fact I couldn't feel from the top of my right ankle down. I helped a white belt learn her kicking combinations which was fun. I was shaking and I tryed hard during last class and felt like I was flying.

All in all I will now be doing summer taekwondo on Thursdays, three classes a day. During the summer you can test when you feel you are ready as Long as it's ok with master duk.

It's always fun to observe the lower belts too. When I first walked into the dojang for the first time, the atmosphere was kinda the same as usual. I looked and I saw a blue and brown belt. I thought of how skilled they looked. They were doing simple kicks but it looked so well done. Everything was so new and interesting. I wanted to learn more. I promised myself that I would at least get to that brown belt.

And today, I'm promising myself that I will get not only black belt, but go as far as I can in anything and try my best no matter how much I shake, no matter how much pain I'm in. I will push through it and complete my promise. My promise to myself. If I can't trust myself or try my best, how am I to learn from my own actions as a martial artist?

Everyday, something new will happen, and every time I'm intrigued, I will pay full attention and learn from myself.

I will teach myself to learn from my instinct to help out.

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