Chapter 3: Fang of Faires

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"That was quite the delightfull visit," Lucy said.

"Agreed, their desert have truly captivate my interest the most," Erza was holding ten bags filled with desert, that was given to her by Beni Enma before she left. "Maybe, I will pay a visit once a while, to get a bite on their desert,"

"Though, the libarian is quite, how do I put this..." Lucy sweatdrop remembering the man in a form of a child libarian. "Rather, foul mouth,"

"Foul mouth? He pretty much, roast all of us, especially after what Natsu did!" Gray said.

"Hey! I didn't know! That a book about some knight in shinning armor, will pop up a dragon out of nowhere! That hit you in the face!" Natsu shouted.

"Well, if you didn't threw the book! And cause a ruckus, maybe we won't get our ass roasted! And trouble!" Gray growled.

"Yeah, I got ban from there! Because of what you did!" Lucy cry out.

"That's enough!" Erza said. "We shouldn't focus on fighting amongst ourself, rather, we must be prepare for what is coming,"

"Oh yeah, that terrorist quest," Gray said.

"Well, whatever! I'm fire up, to beat me some bad guys!" Natsu smiled.

"That depend, on the master decision," Erza said. "It's an 'S' class mission, so with the current state of the three of you. I doubt, the master will add you to the roster, not to mention, you three haven't recieve your punishment. For taking the 'S' class quest, yet!"

Natsu flinch, upon seeing Erza murderous intent.

"There's no need for a punishment," Makarov said.

"Hell yeah!" Natsu cheers.

"But, master?" Erza hesitated to ask.

"Erza, we must focus on putting the list of our finest wizards, we need to put a good face toward Chaldea. If we want, to make a friendly relationship with them," Makarov explained.

"Then, I believe you've already put, the choosen members?" Erza asked.

"As the matter of fact, I already have," Makarov said. "And, the one I've choosen, have finally return from his quest,"

"You dom't mean?" Erza caught up, with what Makarov mean.

The group of Fairy Tail wizards, finally arrived infront of their guild, opening the giant door, it was a usual days in Fairy Tail. A brawl between guild members, the group stroll through the chaos, like it was normal for them. Though, Lucy haven't truly adapted to the envoriment yet, which in the end.

Ended up, with her having a table run through her head, that table soon hit Natsu, which trigger him, to joined the brawl with the rest. Gray follow him soon, after Natsu accidently punch him with an elbow. It was just a normal day, in the Fairy Tail guild, with the exception, that Erza didn't decide to stopped the brawl, rather, she was more focus on keeping her desert safe.

"How was the visit, master?" Mira asked.

"It was delightfull, though, there are some news. That I must break for the entire guild," Makarov said.

"Is it, about complain, that either Natsu or Gray, cause a ruckus there?" An old yet familiar voice came from the bar.

"That's only half of it, Rob," Makarov said.

Sitting on the bar, there was an old man drinking a bottle of alcohol, though he was shirtless, he still have some muscle build in his old body. With a more relax face, and alot of hair on the face. He was an old members of Fairy Tail, a dear friend of Makarov Dreyar, and one of the few surviving members of Makarov own era.

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