Chapter 4: Departing to Hell

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Somewhere, in a dawn of dusk, located on Magnolia train station, two man was preparing their luggage. With one a more dignified looking man, already packing a bag, and a briefcase, filled with necessary need for theit travel. While the other one, didn't seem to be bringing, any sort of belonging with him, except with the iron bag on his back.

"Is everything ready?" Sigurd asked.

"Yeah, I got all the things I need, right here," Hector showed Sigurd a slob of cigarette that he hid from his robes. "With this amount, I can last more than a week,"

"Is smoking all you care about?" Sigurd asked.

"Well, I got nothing more necessary to pack," Hector sighed, pointing his finger to a long iron bag on his back. "I already got Durindana with me, both the cigarette, and Durindana is all I need to fight,"

"If that so, then we just need for the arrival of Fairy Tail," Sigurd said.

"And there those brats are," Hector pointed his finger toward the gate of the station. "Hm... So their master, decide to send their Dragon Slayer for this mission, not a bad decision,"

Just as Hector spoke out, the Fairy Tail guild have arrived, with a total of 9 members, which is a small numbers. But, the Chaldea prefer quality over quantity, which is why they send, two of their best S-classes. But, the more the merrier, as they need all the strenght, to destroy the terrorist group, that is the Volsen group in Mt Loces.

And, to Sigurd suprise, all of them, have their own... How do he put this... A unique personality to say the least. There were 3 girls, and 6 boys in their team, but what concern Sigued more. Is the sheer luggage that the red hair girl brought with her. That amount of luggage is more, than what Sigurd have expected, someone to bring, in this sort of mission they're in.

"Do you really need, to bring everything Erza?" Lucy asked.

"Of course, all of this bags, contain most of my armors, weaponry, and other necessary needs. Such as medicine, and food," Erza explained.

"Big sis, where do I put the medicine box in?" Sho asked.

"Just put it, in the green box," Erza said.

"Erza, are you sure, that we truly need this many lugagge? How do can we even bring them, when we arrived?" Lucy asked.

"Don't worry, spatial magic is very useful this day," Erza reply.

"It is indeed," Sigurd reply back, as he walk toward the group, and stopped once he arrive infront of Erza. "I presume, this is the team, that Fairy Tail have assemble?"

"Yes, and you must be the fame Dragon Slayer; Sigurd? Beside Natsu of course," Jellal said.

"I am, which one between you, have been appointed as the team leader by Makarov Dreyar?" Sigurd asked.

"That would be me," Jellal reply. "Jellal Fernendes, Fairy Tail S-class wizard, and this four behind me, are from my team,"

"Jellal Fernendes? Hm... The infamous Mystogan if I presume?" Sigurd asked.

"Correct," Jellal reply.

"Then, that bulky man beside you, must be the second in command? The Phantom; Simon?" Sigurd asked.

Simon only reply with a nod, but that is more than enough for Sigurd.

"So that mean, Fairy Tail have send out 3 of their S-class wizards, a Dragon Slayer, two unique magic, a card mages, an Ice Mage, and a Celestial Mage. That's more than enough," Sigurd said.

"What about me?" Happy asked.

"So he already know about us," Wally grinned.

"Can't blame him, after all, amongst the team in Fairy Tail, only we have the best reputation," Milianna spoke with a smug smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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