A Beautiful Journey

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A beautiful and majestic continent filled with joy and happiness, but unlike any other in this continent, is filled with something that can perform miracles...


Abilities that everyone possessed, can take form and be used for many sorts of purposes, depending on the user's will, a continent was split into 4 nations with each nation holding its unique style and ways. In this continent, the types of Magic are split into many types of forms, that each nation possessed.

Those nations occupied each part of Earthland;

Isghar, the nation that occupied the western side of Earthland.

Alakitasia, the nation that occupied the northern side of Earthland.

Guiltina, the nation that occupied the southern side of Earthland.

Calione, the nation that occupied the eastern side of Earthland.

Such a beautiful continent, as all of these nations was once lived in peace together.

But sadly peace never lasted long, as, on the date XXXX, a war broke out, at first the war was between the nation of Calione and Gultina. A war that begins with the assassination of the former king and ruler of the Calione nation, this assassination was committed by the sect of the Gultina, a sect of Assassins.

The reason for such a thing was caused by the king's family, specifically the king's little brother, who started a Co'up against his older brother. Soon the Co'up was a success, as the little brother then reign as the new king of Calione, but the aftermath of the Co'up wasn't what he had expected. This led him to use the entire Guiltina nation as a scapegoat, which soon sparks an enormous war between both nations, that lasted for a total of 30 years.

Once the war between the 2 nations ended, another war soon broke out under the new king's 5 years of reign, as the weakened military power of the nation, was soon attacked by Asghar. Leading the nation into ruin, with the loss of the kingdom and a king. The nation of Calione began to crumble and split away, with the nobles and rulers of some parts of the nation beginning to detach themselves from the Calione nation, and starting their nation.

Such a thing ended up, weakening the Calione nation even further, as the nation that was once known as Calione was forced to turn into a small nation with little territory, but soon a new hope rise for the nation. As the child of the former king rises to the throne and he began to slowly develop and conquer all of the kingdoms that had split themselves from Calione. Even though the boy who now reigns as the new king of the Calione nation, was a bastard child of the former king and a dancer.

He has now reached a far greater high than before, conquering and uniting all the former lands of Calione into a single nation, restoring the said nation to its former glory. As it takes him a total of 30 years to even achieve such a dream, he has now been crowned and known as the greatest king in Calione's entire history to achieve such a feat. But the king himself, cannot achieve such a dream alone, thanks to his followers and friend who help him achieve his dream. He rewarded them with land to rule under the Calione nation.

While he was busy reforming his nation, the nation of Alakitasia, was faced with a horrendous civil war between each other. This soon get the attention of Isghar, who soon began their movement to conquer the land of Alakitasia, but sadly their movement was also noticed by the Guiltina nation, who take this chance to also weaken and conquer Isghar. Such a thing soon lead them to yet another war, but this time it was with 3 nations, and the aftermath was beyond catastrophic.

As the war left millions of life to die, many sorts of war crime and cruelty was created in this war, many blues bloods weren't safe from this war. With the 3 nations received their fair share of loss, especially for Alakitasia, which ended up becoming the battlefield of the war between the 3 nations. Even if they did survive, the nation ended up, facing far worse conditions than the other 2 surviving nations.

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