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Pragya's announcement of her so-called marriage to her spineless ex-husband, Abhishek, sent shockwaves through her family

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Pragya's announcement of her so-called marriage to her spineless ex-husband, Abhishek, sent shockwaves through her family. 

At first her family of two mothers & her sisters, along with their respective spouses, express their disapproval of the marriage but with Pragya's emotional blackmail, they agree. 

Her decision to re-enter a relationship that had caused her so much pain and heartache baffled and saddened those who cared for her, especially her daughters. 

The two mothers, who had witnessed Pragya's misery and hardships, were equally distressed by the news. 

To Pragya's good luck, her two daughters were absent during the initial revelation. However, when the news reached Prachi & Kiara, the atmosphere in the Arora home became charged with tension. They don't know how the daughters would react to it because they are very much aware of these two sisters despise towards their biological father.

The daughters, learning about their mother's decision to marry their biological father, were infuriated. The Arora sisters exchanged concerned glances, recognizing the storm that was about to unfold when Prachi & Kiara returned home. The air buzzed with silent anticipation as the family awaited the daughters' arrival.

When Prachi & Kiara walked through the door, their expressions were infuriated instead of joyous reunion to somber concern as they sensed the heavy atmosphere. The sisters shot each other knowing looks.

Kiara took a deep breath and, with a strained calmness, said, "Mom, we need to talk. What's this we hear about you marrying Dad again?" Pragya, sensing the gravity of the situation, motioned for everyone to sit down. The room, once filled with warmth, now felt cold and strained.

"Girls, I know this might be difficult for you to understand. Abhishek has changed, and I believe in giving people second chances," Pragya began, her voice tinged with a mixture of apprehension and conviction which she flawlessly pretended in front of her daughters.

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