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Aditya looked at the wedding hall with pain and agony. After confronting Pragya about the wedding he was devastated. 

He remembered his breakdown in front of his mother who told him if you wanted to terminate the baseless so-called wedding, you would do it. Because  Raisinghanias never give up. 

And now he is wondering how to initiate the plan to break the wedding. He remembered Pragya's sufferings. 

If he let her go this time he will lose her for life. This is the last chance for him. He needs to stop the wedding by hook or by crook.

He headed towards the groom's room. He noticed how Abhishek was smiling like a fool in the mirror.

Put a full stop to your illusion idiot. You can't marry  Pragya because she is mine. You thought Aditya.

He went towards him & put a handkerchief on his face which was filled with chloroform making him unconscious.

Then three beautiful ladies helped him to hide him in the bathroom. And Aditya got ready as groom, lacing a Sehra on his face.

Soon he was called to the altar & he took the groom's place. He looked at Pragya who came to the pavilion  

Soon the ceremony commenced, and the rituals unfolded like a dance of tradition and commitment. As the final vows were exchanged, and the wedding rituals drew to a close, a hushed anticipation filled the air.

Aditya looked at Pragya, who was looking at him in anger, disbelief, and a little hurt.

He felt guilty not because of marrying her but process. He never wanted to marry Pragya like that but had no option either.

But he was glad not to see any hate in her eyes because he could handle anything but hate, he couldn't survive.

His heart swelled in happiness and hope when he saw Pragya taking a stand for him. But soon it was replaced with anger & he screeched at Aliyah for abusing Pragya.

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