step 24

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"I never lie. At least not to those I don't love."


Zayn suddenly stopped, leaned away and looked at Niall weirdly and surprised. "Wait are you sure?"

The blond rolled my eyes and groaned. "Yes I am please let's just con-"

"No, I want to make sure. Are you serious?"

"You are the one asking me here and I only answered. What's your problem?"

Zayn sighed and completely scooted away from him. "I don't know. Because I'm your teacher and you're my student and we're not supposed to have any romantic relationship?"

Niall crossed my arms. "You weren't thinking about that when you were asking me,"

"Yeah well now I am."

Niall groaned in annoyance. He feels so embarrassed. Zayn asked him and he only answered but now it's like he's rejecting Niall or something. He carefully stood up and rolled his eyes on Zayn.

"You know what? Fine. If you don't want-"

He pulled Niall's right arm making him land on the older lad. Fuck, awkward. "No! I mean- sorry. I, uh, it's not like I don't want to. Because I really really like you-"

Niall blushed.

"Shit why are you so red?"

He immediately moved from Zayn, his face so red. "Nothing."

Zayn was silent for a second while Niall look at everywhere but him. Zayn suddenly gasped and Niall's eyes snapped to him. "What?"

He chuckled before he slowly said, "I. Like. You."

Niall's eyes grew big as his cheeks became redder with every second. "You bastard!" He leaned towards the laughing lad and started hitting him.

Zayn continued to laugh as Niall sputtered, his face red, as he continued to whisper incoherent things to himself- probably cursing the hell out of me- Zayn thought. The older stared at Niall and somehow, he can't help but think how beautiful Niall is. The way he's pouting when he's annoyed, his face becoming red as tomato when he's embarrased, his eyebrows creasing when he's trying to distract himself- he's just so fucking beautiful.

Niall hadn't noticed the loving stare Zayn is giving him, too concentrated on trying to distract himself from his embarrassment. Zayn chuckled, he just know how to silence the younger. He smiled cheekily to himself as he pulled the blonde lad and locked his lips with him again.

Niall was shocked, to say the least. But Zayn's lips kept nudging his and he realized the he's not moving his lips. He hesitated for a moment before he responded, instantly feeling the whole fucking zoo inside his tummy rampaging. The kiss immediately heated and Zayn stopped.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" Niall complained loudly, fully frustrated about how Zayn constantly cock blocks themselves.

"As much as I want to do this with you, I bet the others are already looking for you so you need to go back." Zayn explained.

Niall pouted. "But I don't wanna go back!"

Zayn chuckled at how cute Niall is. "I'm sorry love but we can't do this right now. Go back to your friends. I'll follow after a few minutes."

Niall whined for a few minutes but after being rejected by the lad for the third time he gave up and stood up.

"Fine!" He huffed.

He started to walk away but Zayn ran after him and pulled his right arm. He leaned his face to Niall's, so close he could kiss him. Niall gulped.

"Remember," Zayn said and suddenly his voice is sounds like an angel's to Niall. "You're mine."

And Niall almost thought he's dead, if not for Zayn's laugh. Even then- for a few minutes- he thought, am I in heaven? Is that an angel's laugh?

Niall just nodded, chills running through his back. He turned around and started to walk away briskly, leaving Zayn amused. He thought how he likes a flustered Niall.

Niall gulped multiple times. He never thought having someone claim him, tell him he now belongs to him, can make him feel so turned on and loved and confused and happy.

"You're mine."

The words kept playing inside Niall's mind as he touch his lips. Did that really happen?

He reached his and Harry's tent unconscious of his surroundings. Only when Ashton let out a loud cough did he noticed the boy standing beside the tent.

Niall's eyes grew. Fuck he's talking to me!

Niall immediately grinned widely which caused Ashton to smile sheepishly.

"Am I really that predictable to you to the point that you know I'm here to make up with you?"

Niall smiled more widely. "No! I just... Oh my God, really?"

Ashton laughed. "Yeah I'm really sorry Ni." He said while rubbing the back of his neck. "I kind of over reacted and-"

"It's okay! It's also my fault anyway! I'm just really glad we're okay now. I was feeling so miserable when you were angry at me."

Ashton laughed and hugged him tight. "I'm so sorry for making you miserable Ni. I love you."

"I love you too! C'mon, sleep with me." Niall leaned away and started to get inside the tent when Ashton stopped him.

"Harry might get angry."

"Do you really think I care? I just made up with my best friend, I ain't gonna pass up with the opportunity to cuddle up with you would I? He can sleep with Louis for all I care,"

Ashton followed him, laughing. "That might just be the start of world war three."

They both laughed as they settled inside the tent. Niall lent Ashton one of his shirts in exchange of the hoodie the dimpled one is wearing so he can be more comfortable. They laid down, with Ashton spooning the bottle blond.

"I'm really sorry Niall." Ashton whispered.

"It's nothing, I swear."

Ashton hummed before he added, "Just please promise me it won't happen again okay? That he's just a one time thing. Promise me you won't ever talk to him again."

Niall sleepily nodded. "Yes I promi-"

You're mine. 

Niall's eyes grew wide as the sound of Zayn's voice resounded in his ears. I'm practically already in a relationship with him. Shit.

"Niall are you okay?"

Niall gulped and nodded hesitantly. "Yeah."

"Okay. Remember you promised."

Niall didn't answer.


a short chapter after leaving y'all for two weeks i know i'm being a jerk sorry. i'm just really busy right now with college and stuff i hope you'll understand.

random question; favorite ziall fanfic you've read?

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