Vanessa Hayes

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The city was in disarray as we flew over, buildings had the glass blown from the windows and gunfire echoed from streets away.
Every crowed around the cockpit as we looked out of the window, the Factionless being led by Johanna had lost ground, using old camps as bases.
Eric landed on the roof of the Erudite building, the automatic camouflage of the craft smoothly blended in with the top of the white structure.
"Stay in the craft." I told Sophie as I geared up," You do not leave Caleb or Harry's sights."
She nodded, as she scooted closer to Harry," OK."
"Good," I said putting a hand on the side of her face.

Standing up, I put the double gun holster over my shoulders and then my jacket over the top. Around my right thigh was a ring of daggers, the colourful handles pointed upward for easy access as a last resort. Ronnie passed me one of the guns made by the Bureau, they were blue and grey, with a recharging mechanism inside. Unlike the others, I was not relying on their technology, I had the headset around my neck. The drones they had were not available to me so the clothes I wore didn't have them installed.
"We know the plan?" Harry asked as we met Tris and Christina outside.
Angel nodded," Eric and Nessa go with Tris and Christina,  Ronnie and Theo find Johanna and let her know what's happening and I am finding out where the serums are being administered from. As you and Caleb feed me information to try to stop everyone from forgetting who they are."
"What could go wrong?" I questioned, pulling the gun back and sliding a bullet in place.
Ronnie, Angel and I hit the tops and bottoms of our fists together, ending the handshaking with a slap on the ass.
"See you on the other side?" Ronnie laughed.
"See you at the bar."
Angel nodded," Here to that."

Eric leads us through the fire escape on the roof that leads to the control floor. He said it was off limits to any unauthorised personnel as it was where the Leadership meetings took place as well as records of each person born into the faction and if they defected.
"How do these drones work?" Tris asked as we made our way through the centre staircase.
Christina tapped the side of her face," Put your headgear on."
Eric then moved his hand in a circular motion and the drones lifted from his back and hovered around his face. Between the four of us, we had nine drones and an array of weapons which gave us reasonable odds for success.
"And?" Tris questioned, waiting for another instruction.
Christmas smirked as we approached our first set of guards," Watch and learn."
The guard wore a mixture of Dauntless and Amity clothes, holding a gun that had been locked away in the Dauntless Arsenal.
"Stop right there!" He yelled, pointing the gun at us," Drop your Weapons."

The drone flew above his head and surrounded him in the orange bubble we had been in when we first arrived at the Bureau. The bubble took him up into the air and carried him into the open space that dropped several floors. He shouted for the bubble to put him down, but the bubble didn't let him go. The more he tried to move, the further he floated out.
Leading the way, Eric sent his drones out first as they flew around the circular corners we couldn't pass. With my gun held up, I stuck close to him and I manually checked the side corridors for any movement.
"Got one." He said holding his hand out so the drones stopped.
Christina turned to Tris." This is all you."
Tris activated the drones, her sharp movements almost had two of the drones hit me in the head. She quickly apologised before gesturing them to fly forward towards the soldier. One drone hit his legs and the other directly in the middle of his forehead sending the soldier down onto the ground.  
"Nice," I said impressed, the quiet takedown giving us more time to infiltrate the compound.

Our next corner had us trapped by six amity and dauntless mixed-clothed men and women. Eric's drones created a shield for me as Christina's created a barrier that lined up with the wall so we could face them head-on. The bullets we fired went straight through were as the oncoming hail was stopped by the green holographic shields. From the corner of my eye, I spotted someone creep through a hole in the wall. Quickly changing magazine, I shot one into his knee, and the other into his shoulder. He would be in pain, but he's alive. With the corridor now clear we walked with drones covering our backs, sides and the front.
We waited, to see if anyone would emerge from around the next corner after hearing the gunfire.
The next person rounded the corner, but before he could press the trigger, Eric shot and brought him down to the ground. 

Her Divergence [3] // Divergent// Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now