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"Why didn't we just skip?" I mumble, my eyelids heavy as I stare at the board.

Wilbur doesn't reply, his head buried in his arms as he sleeps on his desk. Rachel shakes her head as she writes her notes. "At least we're only here for a couple of hours."

The classroom door suddenly opens, jolting Wilbur awake. My vision is a bit blurry, so all I see is a blob walking in. I blink a few times, clearing my sight to see a guy standing at the front, holding a piece of paper.

"Sorry," He tells the teacher. "I didn't know where to go."

Rachel leans over and whispers. "He's cute,"

"You're gay,"

"Not for me, for you." She groans.

Even though I'm hopelessly in love with Wilbur, I have had other boyfriends. One in sophomore year, but he only lasted a couple months; I dumped him when Rachel told me he called her a slur. The other guy was last year, and we dated for about seven months. We broke up back in April since he told me he was tired of seeing me in love with another guy, a.k.a. Wilbur. I moved on pretty quickly, especially since he was completely right. I didn't admit it, though.

"Yeah, I guess." We both watch as he scans the room for an empty seat, then makes eye contact with me. He quickly looks away before walking back and sitting down behind me. Rachel gives me a secret smirk while I just stare straight ahead, wishing my high would go away.

Seconds the later, the bell rings, and Wilbur looks back at us with a frown. His hair is messy from lying on the desk, and he looks adorable. "Sabby was smart and skipped 'cause of her hangover, so I'll sit with you guys today."

Rachel dramatically gasps. "Oh, what an honor! Thank you, William, for showing kindness to us losers."


As we stand up, the guy clears his throat, and we all look back at him.

"Uh," He awkwardly grins. "Where's the cafeteria?"

Rachel looks over at me before back at him. "What's your name?"


"Alright, Evan." Rachel pulls her bag over her shoulders. "Just follow us."

We walk in silence the the noisy cafeteria and sit at our usual table. Evan just stands there for a few seconds before turning, but Rachel stops him.

"Sit with us, man."

"Oh, thanks." He sits next to Wilbur, who looks miserable.

Wilbur grabs my water bottle. "Jesus, I forgot you had this." He immediately screws off the lid and chugs it, instantly emptying the bottle.

"Yeah, go ahead." I roll my eyes before leaning against Rachel, resting my head on her shoulder.

"I'll fill it," He sticks his tongue out at me before leaving the table.

"Oh, I'm Rachel." She tells Evan. "This is Nicole and that's Wilbur."

He nods slowly. "Is his accent real or is he mocking somebody?"

"It's real."

"Unfortunately," I laugh, even though I'm obsessed with his voice.

"Where you from?" Rachel asks, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Colorado," Evan replies, looking back and forth between us. "My dad got a new job here, so I had to move for my senior year."

"That sucks," Wilbur says, setting my water bottle in front of me as he sits back down. "What's your next class?"

Evan runs his hand through his slightly wavy black hair. "I don't have a fourth, just the first three. I hate the schedule here."

"Me too," All three of us reply, making me giggle.

"Any hobbies, Evan?" Rachel grabs a strand of my hair and begins to braid it.

He gives an awkward chuckle. "Um, not really. I'm solely focused on getting into college right now. I just spend all my time studying."

"Me too!" Rachel says excitedly. "Where you do wanna go?"

"Harvard's my top choice. I'm trying to be a surgeon."

That makes me perk up a bit. If I can't have Wilbur, I might as well get with a rich guy. Or, at least, a guy who will eventually be rich. Especially since jobs in the arts aren't exactly guaranteed.

"Ooh, I'm a Yale girl. That's cool, though. Right, Nicole?"

I nod, staring up at the ceiling and counting the tiles. I look over at Evan and see him wiping his glasses on his shirt. "Two nerds and two creatives."

Evan gives me a confused look. "What's that mean?"

"Me and you are nerds, obviously." Rachel says. "And Nicole is an artist and Wilbur is a musician. Basically, they'll be living in my basement one day."

"Shut up," Wilbur groans, his hands pressed against his head.

"Are you guys okay?" Evan asks, noticing both of our strange behavior."

We both shake our heads and Rachel answers for us. "Are you a narc, Evan?"

"Uh, no."

"She's high and he's hungover." She sighs. "I'm the only one committed to sobriety."

I scoff. "You were passed out in the back of my car last week. Don't even,"

"Yeah, whatever." Rachel starts on a new strand of my hair. "Wilbur, are you coming over tonight, or will you be too busy sucking on Sabrina's face?"

He sighs. "I dunno. She won't reply to my texts. I guess she's asleep. I'll come over if she doesn't wanna see me, though."

"Evan, you can replace Wilbur. Wanna come over to my house later? My parents are never home so we just chill in my basement."

"Uh, sure." He replies. "My parents will be happy to learn I made some friends."

"My phone's dead." Rachel says, even though I know that's a lie. She never goes anywhere without a charger. "Nicole, get his number so you can give him my address."

I'm aware of the trick she's trying to pull, but I don't mind it. Evan is handsome, seems sweet, and has goals. Wouldn't be a bad match. I silently unlock my phone and slide it over to him, watching as he types in his own contact. As he gives me my phone back, the bell rings.

"See you guys later, then." He says as we all stand up.

"Bye!" Rachel says, wrapping her arms around Wilbur and I as we walk down the hallway to our last class. "I think we've found Nicole's future husband."

"He's gonna be rich someday." I say with a giggle. "I'm down."

"The glasses are cute, too. Wilbur, find out if he has a big dick."

He groans in response. "Excuse me?"

"Guys tell each other that stuff, right?"

"I dunno. I've only ever hung out with you guys and Sabrina."

Rachel laughs and squeezes my shoulder. "I guess Nicole will have to find out herself."

(DISCONTINUED) wishful thinking // Wilbur Soot Where stories live. Discover now