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I hang my head out the window as Rachel slowly drives through the neighborhood. We've gone through multiple and it's almost one in the morning, so we really should give up and try again tomorrow. But I refuse, so we will stay out as late as we need to.

"Won't vandalism get us arrested?" Evan mutters. "I kind of don't want that."

"I know the law, baby." Rachel says. "Plus, my parents are besties with the head chief or whatever. The second a cop sees Gonzalez on my license, I'm safe. Also, my-"

Wilbur cuts her off with yelling. "There! That's her car!"

Rachel quickly parks on the curb, and even in the dark, we can recognize the house as Landon's.

"So that's why he flirts with her sometimes." He sighs. "I'm such an idiot."

"No you're not." I tell him. "She's just an awful person."

Rachel pulls her hood over her head and tightens the strings. "Are we getting the house or her car? We don't have enough for both."

I grin at Wilbur. "You decide."

He lets out a deep breath, his eyes glossy. "Car. She loves that thing."

I look at Evan with a smile. "You doing this?"

"I don't know," He mutters, looking nervous.

Rachel hands him the keys. "You'll be our getaway driver."

I'm a bit upset that he's not joining, but he doesn't have the same amount of hatred for Sabrina that we have. We quietly shut the car doors and walk to the car.

"Won't the eggs make the alarm sound?" I ask.

"Yeah," Rachel replies. "We'll spray paint first then quickly do the eggs then run."

I hand Wilbur the can of spray paint, and he stares down at it. "Not to add fuel to the fire," I say. "But we have kept some stuff from you. She made a racist remark about Rachel and has just been an overall bitch. You deserve a lot better."

He rolls his eyes and pops the cap off of the can. He completely covers all of her windows with the paint, and does the same to Landon's truck. He then hands it to me, letting me spray a few bad words on each of their cars. We then split the eggs evenly, each taking four.

"We have to be quick." I say. "Throw then run."

Without hesitation, Wilbur launches all four of his eggs at Sabrina's car. The alarm immediately starts, so Rachel and I quickly throw ours before we sprint back to the car. Rachel gets in the front while Wilbur and I slide in the back, not even closing our doors before Evan speeds off.

"That was awesome!" I exclaim, looking over at Wilbur, but I quickly lose my smile as I see he's crying and shaking.

"I loved her," He whispers. "I loved her so much and she cheats on me."

I lean over and wrap my arm around his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Will."

"I dedicated all my time to her. I bought her a necklace, paid for every single meal and every clothing item she wanted. I wrote her a few songs. I would've died for her."

"I know," I frown, squeezing his shoulder.

Rachel looks back and holds his hand. "You'll get an amazing girl you deserve someday." She gives me a quick glance. "You never know, she could be close by."

Wilbur stays silent the rest of the ride back to Rachel's house. He immediately gets into his car and goes home.

"That's so sad." I sigh, leaning against my car. "Poor Wilbur."

"At least he finally knows." Rachel says, running her hand through her hair. "I'm gonna sleep. See you guys tomorrow."

"Night," We both mutter, watching as she walks back up into her house.

I lean against Evan and look up at him with a frown. "I feel so bad for him."

He lets out a sigh. "He's a good looking guy. He'll have a new girl in a couple months."

Even though the thought of him being with anyone pains my heart, I nod. "Yeah, for sure. I should head home."

"Me too." He turns so his body faces me, his arm against my car. "We didn't get to talk about what happened in the basement."

I break into a smile, nearly forgetting about our moment. "Well, I liked it."

"I did too."

I lean up and give him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you in class. I'm gonna crash the second I lie down."

"Same," He chuckles and doesn't wipe away the mark that my lip balm left. "Good night, Nicole."

"Good night," I say with a giggle before getting into my car. I could melt over all the emotions flowing through me right now. Sadness for Wilbur, but also relief that he's done with her. Happiness about Evan. Only happiness about him.

Am I finally getting over Wilbur?

No. I know better than that. I think if from some miracle Wilbur asked me out right now, I would kick Evan to the curb immediately.

Maybe I'm just a shit person.

(DISCONTINUED) wishful thinking // Wilbur Soot Where stories live. Discover now