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Nicole leans against my arm as we all watch the rain fall down. We're protected in Rachel's covered porch while Nicole's dad works on the grill, playing some classic rock on the radio. Rachel's distracted by the homework on her laptop and Wilbur is on his phone.

"We do this a lot," Nicole says softly, drawing circles on my chest. "It's just not usually pouring down."

"Right," I chuckle, moving my arm to wrap around him, squeezing her body close to mine. "Are we all staying the night here?"

She nods and gives a quick glance to her dad, making sure he's not listening. "Yeah, but you and Will have to act like you're not, since that'll freak my dad out."

"Alright," I smile and connect our lips. She only lets me stay a few seconds, never letting me kiss her much around her friends or her dad.

Finally, he's done on the grill, Nicole getting up to make everyone's plates. We all eat together and talk, mainly just Rachel, Nicole's dad, and I talking about law school and med school. Once we're all finished, Nicole takes our trash and throws it all away.

"I guess I should head home." Her dad sighs as he stands up. "Thanks for letting me hang out with you guys."

"Anytime," Wilbur says.

"For sure," Rachel replies. "Thanks for the dinner."

"Like Will said, anytime." Her dad leans down and gives Nicole a quick hug. "Have a good night, okay? You boys are leaving soon, right?"

She grins and nods. "Yes, dad, they're going in just a bit. See you tomorrow."

We all watch as we walks out and wait a few minutes to make sure he's gone. Rachel grabs a box under the bench full of joints and gives them out, Nicole and I sharing one. We stay seated on the porch with the rain still falling, keeping up our conversation as the night gets older.

"Someone get in the rain with me." Wilbur suddenly says, standing up and placing his half smoked joint in a tray.

"Absolutely fucking not." Rachel rolls her eyes. "You have fun messing up your pretty hair."

He turns to us, looking at Nicole who's now sat on my lap. "Come on, Nicky,"

"Nope. Not happening,"

"Come on," Wilbur groans, grabbing Nicole's hands and pulling her up.

Since the second I got here, I could tell that Wilbur has a bit of a crush on Nicole. I catch him staring at her a lot, and he just treats her the way that I've never treated any of my female friends. I don't like him, at all, but he's one of her best friends, so I have to act. Plus, I trust her.

"My birthday is next week." He tells her, smiling down at her. God, I wish I could snap his neck sometimes. "Count this as a present."

"Ooh, so I won't have to buy you anything?"


"Sounds good to me." She slips off her hoodie and hands it to me, leaving her in a small tank top and shorts that let her ass poke out a bit. Her body is insane, nice tits and hot legs, though I wish her waist was tinier. But hey, I won't complain.

Rachel and I watch as they run out into the backyard, the sound of the rain barely able to mask their laughter. Nicole suddenly pushes Wilbur, sending him stumbling back then landing on the ground. He quickly reaches up and pulls her down with him, her body nearly landing on top of his.

I let out a heavy sigh. "Has he ever told you that he likes her?"

"No. I doubt it," Rachel responds. "I think we all feel like siblings at this point."

I nod, but keep in mind that she's a future lawyer. I can't trust everything she says. Plus, I know she'll protect Nicole and Wilbur over anyone, why would she tell me the truth?

They come back after a few minutes, soaked and covered in mud. Nicole giggles and tries to give me a hug, making me laugh and push her away.

"You need to shower!" I yell, grabbing a pool towel and wrapping it around her, locking her arms.

"What, you don't like a dirty girl?" She smiles, looking up at me through her eyelashes.

My stomach drops, insanely turned on, but I know I have to contain myself. "Well, I don't like a muddy one."

"So boring," She mutters, leaning up and kissing me, once again for only a few seconds. I wish I could just take her home and go crazy with her, but for some reason, she'd rather be with her friends.

We all go inside and Nicole and Wilbur hit the showers. Separate ones, I checked. Rachel and I go down to the basement, soon joined by Wilbur who took a very quick shower. I sit at the end of the couch, Rachel in the recliner and Wilbur sitting on the carpet, leaning back against the other end of the couch.

"So," I say. "You talking to any girls yet, Wilbur?"

He shakes his head, keeping his eyes on his phone. "Sabrina and I just broke up. I'm gonna wait a bit."

"Don't even have your eyes on anyone?"

His mouth curls up into a grin. "Nah, not as of now."

Nicole comes down the stairs, wearing her hoodie again and a different, longer pair of shorts. She immediately lies on top of me with a groan. "I'm tired,"

"Then go to sleep." I kiss the top of her head, pulling a blanket over us.

"Is it okay if I put on a movie?" Rachel asks her.

She nods, burying her face in my sweatshirt. I run my hand through her wet hair as Rachel starts a movie.

All of us are high, tired, and quiet; I just can't stop thinking about Wilbur and Nicole. He's a good looking guy, I've heard plenty of girls talking about him. And she's obviously gorgeous, I've heard way too many guys whispering about my girl. She's staying in New York, and he probably will, too. I'll be at Harvard, hours away, unable to monitor them. They're really close already. She laughs at all of his jokes. He's weirdly polite to her.

Maybe I just have to deal with this myself.

(DISCONTINUED) wishful thinking // Wilbur Soot Where stories live. Discover now