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"Shit, are you okay?" Evan asks, pulling his face back.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I mutter, sitting up and holding my face. "That hurtsss."

"What did I do wrong?"

I sigh and squeeze my eyes shut. "Nothing, nothing. I hit my head against the headboard."

He places his hand on my leg. "Should we go back to the doctor?"

I shake my head. "No, it's fine. I didn't hit it that hard. I should've been more careful."

"Okay," Evan sighs. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," I give him a soft smile through the pain. "It's okay. It happens a lot, just not usually when I have a concussion."

"Right," He chuckles.

I lean forward and place a quick kiss on his lips. "I should go. I told dad I'd be home fifteen minutes ago."

Evan frowns. "Okay. I had a good time."

"Me too," I give him another kiss before I stand up and pull my hoodie and sweatpants back on. Evan pulls his shorts on before walking me downstairs and watches me get into my car. I give him a wave before starting my car and he shuts the door.

I immediately pick my phone up and call Rachel, who answers after a few rings. "Hey, what's up?"

"Oh. My. God," I sigh. "You are going to love what just happened to me."


"Well, first off, you're not allowed to make fun of Evan for this."

"Uh oh,"

I sigh again, rubbing my temple. "So, his parents are on vacation, so we just had sex. It was his first time, though, so he didn't last very long."

She immediately lets out a laugh. "Oh my God, how long?"

"Fourteen seconds," I say with a small giggle. "But it's his first time so that's expected, which is why I counted, but I thought it would at least last a minute. It gets worse, though."

"How does it get worse than that?!"

"You're a lesbian, you wouldn't get it." I say. "Since I didn't finish, he offered to eat me out. Of course, he had no idea what he was doing, so I just tried to fake it to be nice, and I hit my head really hard against his headboard."

Rachel laughs into the phone for a good few seconds while I try to hold mine back. "Jesus, Nicole. You've had a rough past couple of days. You get into a car crash, have that weird Wilbur dream, get a bad concussion, and have shitty sex and get hurt even worse in the process."

"Shut up," I mutter, still giggling a bit. "And don't make fun of Evan for it, please."

"What else am I supposed to do?"

"Don't mention it!" I tell her. "He's probably already embarrassed. It's fine. I can make him better."

"He sounds like a lost cause to me."

"Fuck you," I grin before hanging up then leaning my head back against the headrest. I'm exhausted and in pain and starving, so I finally start my drive back home.

I make it right when dad is heading to bed, but I figured he'd already be asleep. I adjust my hair and hood to hopefully hide my hoodies as he talks to me.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asks, standing in the doorway of his bedroom.

I nod, swaying nervously. "Yeah, still hurts, of course, but it's not any worse."

"Okay, good." He says. "Go get some rest. I'm back at work tomorrow, okay?"

"Sounds good," I smile at him before stepping into my room, relief washing over me as I shut the door.

I'm exhausted, so I take a quick shower before climbing into my comfy, warm bed. I can't enjoy it for long, though, before I'm woken up to Wilbur standing over my bed.

"Jesus Christ!" I yell, sitting up quickly. "What the hell, Wilbur?"

"Uh," He looks down at his hands, and I follow his glance. A small, black cat sits in his hands, looking at me with the sweetest eyes. "I dunno what to do with this."

"Oh my God!" I break out into a smile, and as I'm standing up, my alarm clock catches my attention, and I immediately lower my voice. "Oh my God, it's four in the morning, Will!"

"I know, I just knew that you would know what to do." He responds. "I was leaving Rachel's house before mum woke up and saw it in my driveway."

"First off," I pick the tiny ball of fur up and check its underside. "She's a girl. Second off, how did you get in? We moved our spare key spot."

Wilbur smirks. "I found it pretty quickly. You guys should be more careful."

I roll my eyes. "I could've been sleeping naked!"

"Wouldn't have been the worst thing to happen." He says. Am I delusional, or was that low key flirty? No, no, I'm definitely just delusional. "Anyways, what do we do with her?"

I sigh and kiss her small forehead. "I wish dad wasn't allergic, or I'd keep her. She's dirty and I'm sure she's hungry and thirsty. Uh, let's go to the 24 hour Walmart, I guess. We can get her some food then come back here and give her milk and a bath, then go to the shelter to take her when they open."

"Okay, uh, I'll be in my car." He takes her back before walking out, leaving me be.

I'm exhausted, but I want to help the poor little kitten, and it's never a bad idea to spend time with Wilbur. I don't change clothes, instead just putting on deodorant and brushing out my hair. I slip into a pair of sandals before quietly slipping out and getting in the front seat of Wilbur's car.

"So, how's Evan?" He asks as he starts the drive.

"He's good," I sigh, leaning against the window. "We had sex yesterday."

"Oh, really? Was it good, I guess?"

I bite my lip, trying to hide my smile. "He did his best."

Wilbur laughs and looks at me. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that he did his best." I say. "And I really like him and you and Rachel aren't allowed to make fun of him."

"Jesus, was it that bad?"

"It wasn't bad!" I stroke the kitten's soft but dirty fur. "We shouldn't be talking about that in front of this baby, anyway. She doesn't need to hear it."

"Yeah, whatever," He chuckles before he parks and we get out.

The Walmart is nearly empty, so we're able to quickly grab a can of kitten food before going back to my house. Trying our best to not wake dad up, we give her a bath in my bathroom sink, letting her eat and lap on a bit of milk as we do.

We wrap her like a mini burrito in a handtowel to dry her, and Wilbur holds her up and smiles as I take a picture. I post it on my Instagram story, giving it the caption of 'what a cutie 🥹'.

It's almost six by the time we're done drying her off, so we walk out as dad is making coffee in the kitchen. He gives us and the kitten a strange look.

"What did I miss?" He asks.

"Wilbur found this baby, so we fed her and gave her a bath." I explain. "We're going to drop her off at the shelter now. I'll miss her so much."

Dad smiles at Wilbur. "Why'd you bring that thing here? You knows she'll get attached."

He laughs and shrugs. "Rachel would slap me for waking her up early, so I think Nicole was my best bet."

"Okay then," Dad chuckles then looks at me. "Tell Evan that we're having a little cook out at Rachel's tonight. She invited us all over. Tell him I'm making burgers and that she has a pool."

I gasp excitedly. "Ooh, we haven't done that in a few weeks! He'll love that. I'll let him know. Now, we should go drop her off before I hide her in my room."

Wilbur grins down at me. "You're ridiculous, Nicole."

"I know."

(DISCONTINUED) wishful thinking // Wilbur Soot Where stories live. Discover now