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a / n : sorry i'm taking awhile between chapters! i play club soccer which takes up most of my time lol. almost 500 reads ALREADY which is insane !! tysm for all the support. 🩷

After awhile of just talking to distract him, Wilbur falls asleep, still on my lap. I go on my phone and scroll through social media. I reply to some snaps with a high angle selfie, showing Wilbur asleep on me. Soon after, I get a notification saying that Evan saved the snap in our chat.

Evan: Is that Wilbur?

Me: Yeah he's finally sleeping, he said he hasn't slept at all :(

Evan: Okay

Evan: Why is his head on your lap though? Maybe it's just me but that's a little intimate.

Me: ?? It's nothing intimate at all he just fell asleep there. I promise it's not weird at all.

Evan: Alright, I trust you. But lmk if he ever tries anything...

Me: Dw, he won't.

Me: Anywaysss, we're going to Rachel's tonight if you wanna come

Evan: Okay cool. I'll pick you up

Me: I'm probably gonna go over with Wilbur, ty tho <3

Evan: Oh, okay. See you there

Me: ☺️☺️

I set my phone down and frown at the wall. Is he already feeling jealous? I mean, there's no reason to. Sure, I'm in love with Wilbur, but he doesn't need to know that since nothing will ever happen. Plus, Wilbur's a good guy. Even if he was somehow interested in me, he wouldn't make a move if I have a boyfriend.

Then I look down at Wilbur, peacefully asleep, his pretty lips slightly parted. I gently place my hand on his cheek and use my fingers to swipe his hair out of his face. For years, I've dreamed of being with him. I've dreamed of him kissing me and calling me his girl, getting annoyed at any other guy even looking at me. All I've ever wanted is him, but I accepted awhile ago that it'll never happen. Evan is the closest I'll ever get to being completely happy with a guy, I think. I hope.

I let him stay asleep for a few more hours, watching his TV on a low volume. Evan texts me that he's heading to Rachel's, so I gently shake Wilbur awake. His brown eyes slowly blink open and his mouth forms a grin as he looks up at me.

"Ready to go?" I ask, pulling my hand away from his face as I realize he might find that weird.

"Yeah, alright." He says, his voice raspy as he stands from his bed. He just pulls on a hoodie before we head out and take my car over to Rachel's. I park next to Evan and we walk in, immediately going down to the basement.

I smile as I see Evan sitting on the couch, already smoking. I sit next to him and lean against his chest, taking a hit of the joint.

"How was your test?" I ask Rachel as I cough out the smoke.

"I feel confident." She replies, eating her 'special' cookie. "Better than last time."

"You got a 33 last time." I laugh.

"I need a 35, at least." Rachel sighs, then looks at Evan. "You already submitted your score, right? What did you get?"

"Perfect 36," He grins. "Taking a practice test every morning and every night for months was worth it."

I glance at Wilbur. "They make us look so dumb. I was happy with my 29."

He rolls his eyes with a smirk. "And I was happy with my 24. We are idiots."

"You're not idiots." Rachel says, scrolling through her phone. "You just don't have such a crazy career ahead of you like we do."

Evan wraps his arm around me. "At least you're pretty."

"Shut up," I mutter, bringing my feet onto the couch, letting them rest right beside Wilbur. Instead of watching a movie, we just talk, which I love. We tell Evan a bunch of embarrassing stories, and Rachel tells me to talk about 'the puke story'. That's all she has to say for me to hide my face in my hands. "God, that one is awful! I don't think Evan needs to hear that."

"Oh, I wanna hear." He says, smiling down at me.

"If you don't tell it, I will." Wilbur chuckles, his cigarette between his teeth.

I sigh and lean back, crossing my arms over my chest. "Back in February, when I was still with my ex, Oliver, I just had a total shit day. I scratched my car, I dropped my full cup of coffee, I-"

"Just get to the point!" Rachel groans.

"I'm getting there!" I tell her. "Okay, anyways, I was having a bad day. So, that night in this basement, I drank like crazy. Then Oliver and I went back to his house, and I was feeling super nauseous, but for some reason, I thought sex would help."

"You didn't..." Evan whispers.

"While I was on top of him, I puked. All over him and his bed. It was humiliating."

Everyone else bursts out in laughter while I sit still with a red face, hating to be reminded of that moment.

"What did he do?!" Evan asks, barely able to speak.

"He just lied there for a few seconds, probably as shocked as I was. I mean, I don't remember much at that night. But Oliver said he took a shower and when he came back out I was already asleep. He stayed with me for a couple more months, though, so he must've really loved me."

"That's what you have to look forward to." Rachel tells Evan, still giggling.

"It was probably to worst thing to ever happen to me." I groan. "Well, other than not having a mom."

"I dunno, what you did is pretty bad." Wilbur says, standing from the couch. "I should get home. Nicky, you need a ride?"

Evan stands from the couch as well, pulling me up with him. "Nah, I got her."

"Carry me!" I exclaim. "I've never had a boyfriend with muscles before."

"Alright," He chuckles, picking me up bridal style.

I wrap my arms around his neck as we all say bye to Rachel then head upstairs and outside. Evan sets me down in the passenger seat of his car and I poke my head out the window as Wilbur approaches it.

"See ya tomorrow, Nicky." He says with a smile. "Thanks for keeping me company today."

"Anytime," I respond. I feel a wave of sadness rush over me as he stands there, staring at me, somehow still looking beautiful under the unforgiving light of the nearby lamp post.

Wilbur looks over at Evan as he starts the car. "Bye mate,"

"Bye," He replies before backing out of Rachel's driveway. "Wanna go get ice cream, or something?"

"We shouldn't," I mutter. "We're high and shouldn't even be driving."

He waves his hand. "Oh, I feel fine. I barely smoked anything."

I think back to the past few hours, recounting how much I remember him smoking. I can't remember much, though, so I just trust that he wouldn't put me in danger. "Okay, I'm pretty hungry."

We silently listen to his radio as he drives, both of us zoned out. His hand rests on my leg, his thumb stroking the fabric of my leggings.

"I'm really glad I met you."

I turn my head to see Evan looking at me. I grin and place my hand over his. "Me too. Now, pay attention to the road, or we're-"

I'm suddenly cut off by the squealing of tires and my body being flung forward.

(DISCONTINUED) wishful thinking // Wilbur Soot Where stories live. Discover now