Chapter 4 / Six Months Later:

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A/N: I'm going to say now, thank you @kotlc2744 for the huge help in the idea for this chapter, I owe you one. And...well, you're welcome. For what's about to happen. 

Hallie's POV:

I tighten my black XPLR jacket around me, Colby's arm around my shoulders as we walk through the Whaley House. Gods it's freezing.

"It's so cold," I hiss.

Colby looks down at me. "Do you need another jumper?"

I shake my head. "I'll live."

He nods as Sam turns the camera back on. Right - we're doing a YouTube video with Lexie, Amanda and Brian. I'm a little excited - I have a 'cousin' (she's my father's cousin) named Bianca. There's a chance, even if it's low, we could talk to her. But it doesn't mean I'm dam freezing in this stupid house.

I sigh, flicking my plait over my shoulder. "What are we doing first?"

"We might head upstairs," Sam offers.

"I'm scared," Lexie whines. I giggle. "Hey - aren't you?"

"Maybe," I shrug. "But my Uncle through my biological father, he has a habit of doing seances because he's weird. The afterlife doesn't scare me." I mutter under my breath, "that's right Uncle Nico. You are weird, take it."

I've noticed Colby - he smiles a little when I say 'biological father' why I might never know. But it obviously does something that makes him happy, so I keep saying it.

"Hallie, that's weird," Amanda laughs. "I'm a Medium and I don't do seances!"

"Yeah but he's Uncle Nico," I shrug.

Brian snickers. "I like her."

"Well you're not getting rid of me," I tell him. I can feel myself channeling the Jackson sass. "I'm Dad's daughter now."

It takes a minute to realise what the Hades I just said. When I do, my eyes widen and I look at the floor. Gods, why mess up my words (AGAIN MIGHT I ADD) ON CAMERA?

"You alright?" Colby asks me softy. I look up to see him smiling again.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I nod, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I cannot do this right now. My stupid, stupid stuttering and mess up.


A bit later, I feel someone shove my shoulder. I turn and stop in my tracks when I realise there's no one there. "Oh screw that."

"Hallie!" Colby calls and I look back to see him in a doorway. "You okay?"

"I have no clue," I run in that direction when I feel as if someone did that weird trick where you kick the back of someone's knee and they trip. I scream as I hit the floor, banging my wrist and head hard.

"Hal!" Colby rushes to my side. "Are you alright?"

This is way worse than what happens with Uncle Nico. I shake my head silently, tears running down my face. "I'm scared, Dad."

He doesn't say anything, instead helping me stand. He wraps his arms around me and I bury my face in his chest - I'm terrified.

"Something tripped me," I say softly. "And shoved my shoulder."

Colby pulls away and he tilts my head up. "Your face is bruising, Hallie. You need to get out of here."

I look back to where Sam, Lexie, Amanda and Brian are. "But your video..."

"Can wait," he interrupts me. "My daughter needs to be safe so that comes first."

I nod, smiling to myself at his words. "Okay."

He wraps his arm around me and leads me outside of the Whaley House, and I sit outside. "Do you want me to stay with you? Or go back?"

"Stay?" I ask quietly. "Just for a bit?"

Dad smiles. "Say less." And he sits beside me.

And so, we just stay there. His arm around me as we watch cars go by. 

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