Epilogue 😭

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A/N: Hallie's story is coming to a close. Shoutout to kotlc2744 kara94 scorpionsNsnakes and so many others who have read Hallie's adventures and enjoyed it!

Hallie's POV:

It's been a few months since we went to the conjuring house, and I'm thirteen! Well, I have been for a while.

Nightmares have been more frequent since we left.

Even if talking to Abby was a way to calm us down, even if Bianca and Jason came through, what we did was horrifying.

I can still hear that voice.

All of us experience different things. Dad has become slightly more protective on investigations - understandable. And Uncle Sam is a little more cautious. Everything I hear makes me jump.

We handle it differently, too. I've always been more silent on pain and I still am, but Dad knows I won't mention anything I feel and is constantly double checking with me. It's nice to know someone really does care about me on a certain level.

Being thirteen isn't that different from being twelve - except I'm a teen now. Change of title, go figure.

My friends Naomi and Sophia are also always by my side. Our Performing Arts teacher pretends in a small cupboard that there's a person - Derek - in there. We know he's joking and it's always a laugh.

The cupboard was banging and we asked what was in it. He told us that it was Derek. Apparently Derek is on a contract.

I met Crystal, too. She's one of my best friends.

One time, our piano in Performing Arts turned off by itself. A few times. It was dead. We went up to our teacher and I recalled that Derek was messing with it, it was a laugh.

It makes what I experience feel easier. To know there are people who can turn anything into a joke - even a ghost.


There's Dad know. Maybe I'll see you again.

For now, goodbye and

Onward and Upward.

Shoutout to my friend Crystal (melz4menotu ) for giving me Hallie's new friend, scorpionsNsnakes for giving me Sophia and my performing arts teacher for his humour and Derek! 😂

Shoutout to Sam and Colby for being the older brothers I never had, and giving me tears of both sadness and happiness.

Shoutout to Abigail Arnold for being an amazing, beautiful, kind soul.

And shoutout to any readers! You have enjoyed Hallie's story and makes me so happy!

Maybe I'll do a Oneshot book for those who want more of Hallie, Sam and Colby?

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