Chapter 8 / Coming Home :

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A/N: almost to ten chapters in Hallie's story! I'm on writers block rn (pretty much only for Estelle Jackson., I'm debating offering it for adoption honestly).

I HAVE A NEW FACECLAIM FOR MY GORGEOUS HALLIE! The new face claim is Maya Le Clark because she's a beautiful angel and I love her

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I HAVE A NEW FACECLAIM FOR MY GORGEOUS HALLIE! The new face claim is Maya Le Clark because she's a beautiful angel and I love her. I'll change Hallie's thing so it's Maya!

Here's chapter eight for 'A Legacy's Mortal Family'!

Hallie's POV:

I'd rather be at school than sit through another one of the 'you look just like...' talks. They freaking suck.

Thank the gods they're over because I'M GOING HOME.

I'm on the plane ride now, feet tucked under me as I text Dad. Just set off..I'm already bored. ADHD sucks 😭

I sent a photo of my view from the plane, setting my head against the wall of the plane.

The view isn't that bad. It's actually quite pretty. But I'm ADHD.

I scroll through old videos of Dad, Uncle Sam and I. There's some pretty funny ones. I find one of us that we all posted on XPLR Club, during our visit to one of the haunted locations.

I had gotten pretty bored during set up, so I had grabbed the music box and started messing around with it. Doing cartwheels, round offs.

But I had fallen on my face.

Everyone was laughing - including Aunt Kris and Aunt Celina the traitors - and I was glaring at them. But I still was grinning, it was funny.

The video ends and I close my eyes, trying to get some sleep.


I wake up as we start to touchdown. I check my messages to see Dad messaged me back.

Fly safe Lee!

I grin and respond: finally landing!

I'm one of the first off the plane, and I grab my suitcase from baggage. I huff, looking around. Now where to go?

I walk around the airport in confusion. Where the-


I turn my head to see Dad and Uncle Sam. Oh thank the gods. "Dad! Uncle Sam!"

I hug each of them. "Camp Half-Blood was painful."

Dad laughs, taking my suitcase. "How bad, Lee?"

"To the point I'm questioning my life choices."

"Wouldn't suggest that," Uncle Sam teases. I roll my eyes, walking between them as we head to the car.

"I'm just glad I'm out of there," I say as I climb into the backseat, scoffing. "The campers, they kept calling me 'Jackson'. I fought the urge to punch them. Honestly, I would've if Gracie Valdez didn't tell me they were idiots. I agree with her."

I watch as Dad rolls his eyes. "Isn't on all camp records-"

"-yeah," I nod. "My name is Hallie Grace Brock. They're just stupid."

Uncle Sam laughs. "Hey, we're heading to the Conjuring for a week."

My jaw drops. "There is no freaking way."

"We are," Dad admits.

"That was very dumb," I sigh. "Have fun suffering."

"You're not coming?" Dad pouts teasingly in the rear view mirror. I scoff.

"Absolutely not. Suffer on your own. I can stay with Aunt Amanda."

"Aww man," Uncle Sam laughs. "Come on Hayes."

"Screw you," I roll my eyes. "But fine. I get first option to leave though."

"That's been up since the moment we went to the Whaley with you," Dad tells me.

"Oh thank Hades," I slump. "That would be awful if I couldn't and it got bad like the Whaley."

"Hence why the rule still stands."

"Right," I nod. "So Hellweek is a week at the Conjuring?"


I check the date. We've got a while until we need to prepare. A few weeks.

I can't believe I agreed to this.

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