Chapter 6 / Attacked :

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A/N: hiiii. I'm back again. Hi. ANYWAYS-

Here's Hallie's story. 

Hallie's POV:

I'm in the kitchen with Dad, talking. Uncle Sam is on the couch editing a video when we hear the crash.

We all jump and I whirl around, to see a Hellhound. Advancing on Uncle Sam. SERIOUSLY.

"Shoot," I hiss. It's been months and NOW I'm being attacked? What the hell? "HEY!"

I jump off the stool, hand flying to my pocket. I keep Riptide with me. I don't trust the mortals sometimes - screw me. "I'm the one you're after!"

"Hallie!" Dad gasps. "What is that?"

I glance over my shoulder at him. "You can see it?"

"Of course we can see it!" Uncle Sam yelps from the couch. "What is it?"

I shake off my shock. Are they like my grandmother - mortals who can see through the mist? "Something that I need to deal with."

The hellhound growls at me. I uncap Riptide and stand, ready.


"Yes it's a sword!" I groan. The hellhound pounces and I dodg, taking a slice. Dammit. A miss. "I seriously need to train!"

I keep going after the hellhound until it's dead. When it is, I'm absolutely covered in the gold dust monsters have. I dust it off, breathing heavily.

There's a gash on my own arm.

"Hallie!" Dad runs towards me, grabbing my wrist. "Are you alright?"

I grimace. "Will be," I head to the sink and pour a cup of water, holding my injured arm over the sink. I then pour the water, hissing and cursing in Greek. Gods, that hurts. But the injury starts healing - ever so slowly. "There we go."


My eyes widen. The truth sets in. I've never explained anything to them. They don't know.

About the gods, the monsters, my heritage. They don't know any of it.

"Sit down," I eventually say. "I need to explain everything."


Once they're seated, I stay standing. "Gods, I don't even know where to start..."

I think back. Where to begin. Then I have an idea. "I have two grandparents who aren't human."

Hey - bombshell. But I'm Percy Jackson's biological child - what did you expect?

"What?" Uncle Sam breathes. "What do you mean?"

I glance to the sky. "My grandmother through my biological mother is the Greek Goddess Athena. My grandfather through my biological father is the Greek God Poseidon. My parents were Demigods.

"That makes me a Legacy. From Athena, I'm unusually smart. From Poseidon I can heal myself with water and control it. Hallie is like the Greek word Hali - meaning sea.

"All Demigods - and by extent, Legacies - have a 'scent'. It helps all the good-ole Greek Monsters, like the one that I was killed, find us. And that's never good.

"There's one place I could be safe but I don't know if I'll ever go. It's a Summer Camp on Long Island. Camp Half-Blood."

I finished and sighed.

Dad stands up and hugs me tightly. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I've never really been targeted," I say softly. "I completely forgot."

"Anything else...on another level?" Uncle Sam teases. But my eyes widen.

"I talk to my parents but it can be awkward. That's it."

"Oh, fun."

I grin. "But that's it. As I said."

"Our life just got a whole lot weirder," he grins back.

"Not my fault...entirely."

"Sure, sure."

And people question why I'm sassy at school. LOOK WHO IS RAISING ME!

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