💕Dancing With You!(KokuDou)

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I came up with this idea when me and my lovely bbg were going through old drafts of our google docs when we wrote about older fandoms we were in, this was an idea they wrote so credits to them, i just was inspired and decided to write more onto it with KokuDou because i thought it fit them sm(i love these cuties sm frfr)

Music filled the air as a record player spun its inserted record disc. It was peaceful in the Infinity Castle and the music was enchanting the hallways and rooms as it echoed throughout. In a fairly fancy room decorated with gold and otherwise expensive looking items fit for royalty, there was the source of the music.

"Come on Kokushibou-Dono! Dance with me!" Douma was dancing with a lively smile on his face, having fun with his less bright counterpart, Kokushibou. Douma held Kokushibou hand-in-hand, swaying with him and otherwise just having a fun time dancing.

"Slow down! I-I can't dance as well!" Kokushibou was struggling with keeping up, stumbling a lot and having to be caught or kept up by Douma, which he found embarrassing as he was being weak, not being able to surpass someone as inferior as Upper Two in something as measly as dancing.

Douma wanted both of them to enjoy the experience so he kept it slow enough where Kokushibou could attempt to keep up, though he still struggled-

"What? the almighty Upper 1 can't handle a little bit of dancing?" Douma teased, poking at the superior's cheek, a smug smile adorning his beautiful face. Kokushibou couldn't help but blush, this gorgeous blonde man was just so alluring..how could he not fall for him?

The songs were very shuffled, and the next one that played was a song that was just made for slow dancing. Douma was taking note of this perfect change in tempo and slowed down.

"Let me have this slow dance with you..Kokushibou.." Douma looked up at the slightly taller man in front of him, who was just regaining his composure from just tripping again, with a genuine and compassionate look in his shimmering rainbow eyes.

Kokushibou was taken aback from the genuine sincerity in his voice, no teasing or forced kindness, just genuine and honest. He composed himself and smiled warmly, something he doesn't do often with anyone.

"I would love to..for you.." his face grew warm as he got closer, awaiting Douma to take the lead and show him how. Douma held Kokushibou's hand and guided Kokushibou's other hand to hold his waist. Then shortly after it was made sure he would keep his hand there, Douma rested his hand on his shoulder, subtly rubbing the back of Kokushibou's neck.

Kokushibou blushed profusely at these actions, both from embarrassment of this and from the undying attraction he currently held for the blonde demon. Butterflies were swirling around in his stomach from the vulnerability in this moment.

"Just follow my lead, this dance is meant to be slow so i'm sure you'll be able to keep up" Douma smiled, not a fake or strained one, a genuine smile. Douma didn't know what this feeling was but he sure enjoyed the fuzziness he felt in his previously thought dead heart, he felt it beat for the first time in what felt like eons.

Their dance started slowly with simple waltzing, and Kokushibou was quick to synchronize. He didn't dare to take his eyes off his dancing partner, only focusing on his perfectly molded face, the way his eyes were so beautiful and calm, his perfectly shaped jawline, the way his beautiful shade of platinum blonde hair fell so perfectly on his face. Everything about him was perfect.

Douma could say the same about Kokushibou, he was caught admiring the others face, the way his pretty deep red hair framed it, the shine of kindness in all 6 of his eyes, and the gentle smile that adorned his face, those lips that he so badly wanted to kiss in that moment.

They were just lost in eachother, dancing with eachother and admiring the looks of the other. Kokushibou decided to snap his mind out of it and intensify the dance, adding some spins here and there, pushing Douma out while still holding his hand and pulling him back close to his body.

He ended up even briefly lifting up Douma in the air in a spin, dipping him down which Douma played into, kicking up his leg in a dramatic sense like the drama queen he was. Kokushibou's face was inches away from the blonde's.

The red-head decided to make a bold move and kiss him then and there. Douma's stomach felt as if it was all tied up, his heart fluttering around. He hadn't felt this feeling since..Kotoha..that lovely woman now as if it were him.

Douma didn't care that this was different, that this was a new emotion he was scared of exploring with, he just melted into the moon breather's kiss, pulling himself up to embrace him with it.

The two men just cherished this, a passionate kiss just with them, no one watching or judging the heat of this moment. It was disrupted however when the red-head snapped out of this, pulled away, and started apologizing and turning a bright tomato red.

The rainbow-eyed demon just snickered at how silly his newfound partner looked being so flustered. He decided that he should tease him a little just to see how much more bright he could get.

"Sooo..what should we call ourselves now? i already know i'll be calling you daddy later tonight~" The blonde winked at Kokushibou and blew him a kiss.

"I- uh- fuck uh LOVELY TIME DANCING WITH YOU NOW BYE!-" Kokushibou hurriedly rushed out of the room hiding his face, his hair bouncing with his quick strides. Meanwhile Douma was laughing his ass off, he loved causing drama and seeing the reactions of people when he teased.

God he loved this man..especially when he was comfortable with showing his more silly side. This was his comfort place, wherever this man went was his home. He felt he could trust him with stuff that he could never talk about to anyone else.

He'd definitely go on a date with him later..

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